Roon’s dependency on the internet is not (only) to do with license authentication. Its to do with the migration of the Search Function to a cloud based technology that is sufficiently processor intensive that it could not be done locally. There were many threads about the subject at the time of V 2.0 launch.
This was one of the bigger changes in V 2.0 to enable that infrastructure to allow a better search experience . This is I believe still work in progress.
I have JRiver still current and that steps up should the internet fail, it simply requires an IP address.
This is the reason I also have a copy of Audirvana. It is pointing to same audio file directory, so does not require any maintenance. If Roon should ever be down, I just start Audirvana, have lifetime versions on both. Regardless whatever Roon HQ said, the internet requirement makes no sense, particularly if ARC works. Tried ARC early on with phone, but was a complete failure. Use a stand-alone FLAC player instead. Roon: back to the roots, please.
Yes, it’s really bad. I have bought some music to have on the Roon Rock extra disk, to listen to, for occasions internet is down. It do not happen too often but when it happens it’s extremely irritating that I cannot even listen to my own files. I do not take reason that the index of my files is on the cloud and cannot be read when not connected. It’s just some programming to make a copy locally or make it work in some other way. Anyway so Roon can reach the local files when not connected. If loosing connection is usually in most cases fixed withing 1-2 days or faster. So it should be possible at least to connect couple of days without connection.
Just voted. I did not realize my core recently got updated to 2.0 …I must have clicked a link and…so mad! Our internet goes down regularly and this is really annoying. I know there are work arounds but none of them offer the exact experience in terms of sound quality or ease of use.
There is at least one that does, if it works for you: There are routers (e.g. Fritzbox, surely other good ones as well) that can be USB-tethered to a phone for internet access (4G/5G). (Some other routers even have cell fallback built in, I think). That’s enough for Roon to do the authentication stuff, and data use for that and database updates is quite small. If you have a good cell network and data plan you can even stream music.
(Edit: If the Roon Server is a machine that can do wifi, you can simply connect it to the phone wifi hotspot and don’t need a router that can do it - but the router solution is still nicer)
It just won’t work in the zombie apocalypse when cell towers are down as well.
Since I stream only with no local files, I’m SOL without internet access. My main fallback is Apple Music (free from Verizon) on iPad Mini 6 with FiiO KA1 DAC connected by 3.5 mm to my Meridian Prime and RCA to Denon 2805 AVR and Pioneer HPM-60 speakers. I have 110GB of Verizon hotspot data with 2 iPads plus my iPhone. If needed, my wife has 50 GB hotspot on her iPhone. If this gets used up, I can switch to unlimited Verizon cellular data and headphones. I use Soundiz to keep Apple Music in sync with Qobuz and Tidal.
The only reason I pay for this much hotspot data is while we’re spending so much time at my 100 year old MIL’s house in NC.
Whilst not ideal , there are many workarounds. Roon is unlikely to change as they have spent many months working on the search engine which is why the change was made to allow different tech that would not be capable on a local PC / Core.
You could always revert to 1.8 Legacy which doesn’t have the internet requirement.
I have my library in a backup library system (JRiver MC) to cover such (rare) events and I have a 1Tb SD card in my phone so I can use BT headphones and speakers. How often is your internet down , if its so frequent the 1.8 route maybe the answer.
We suffer from power load shedding which means no internet but no power to run Hi Fi either
What a load of apologists. We shouldn’t be in this position of paying for Roon AND needing a plan B. I haven’t noticed any improvement in search either…
You don’t say what your client device is but many have alternatives. I have a Lumin and I use Plexamp as an alternative to Roon. Plexamp doesn’t require an internet connection and the search function is still much better.
Another backup could be Volumio running on a RaspberryPi. Works well if your music is stored locally and you can connect to an external DAC. Plus it’s cheap and maybe you can use the Raspi for other tasks when Roon is online and working?
I don’t think it’s just about search. There are loads and loads of feature requests that can only be implemented in the cloud. Plus Roon have been clear (it’s even in the help docs) that ideally they would want to move the whole “Core” part into the cloud eventually. So IMHO that’s where it’s going long-term, anyway.
I have seen some search improvements I think, but not earth shattering for sure.
As for “apologists”, in case you included me, I am getting so tired of that word. Trying to understand reasons (or suggesting reasonable workarounds) is not being an apologist. I made my views on the lack of a built-in no-internet fallback more than clear, to be point of getting threatened with a ban. That was when the topic was new and can be looked up by anyone so inclined. I’m not going to repeat that every time for the benefit of those who didn’t pay attention.
If they move the core to the cloud, then that is when I will leave, even though I have a lifetime subscription.
Yes, those are only apologies for not having basic playback offline. Who cares about search when your internet is out. Other desktop apps (Apple Music) will let you play and browse your local content or downloaded DRM music. No, it is not metadata rich, but you can play it.
I cannot understand why is Roon so stubborn about it.