HQP Change in 911 Breaks Playback

I believe the this issue applies to more than just ST servers, possibly several flavours of the embedded linux version of HQP. For ST we need to wait for SGC to do the update to version 4.30.3 and then run the local update of the packages on your own machine. Hopefully this will be sometime today, although it can sometimes take a couple of days for it to appear.

Side Remark please: Regardless of you folks maybe waiting for an update from SGC. The SGC stuff looks super interesting to me! I did not dig too much into the hardware specialists so far, did build the stuff using PIs etc, however the SGC solutions jumped to my attention, incl. that optical ethernet and the sonore boxes. So, when upgrading hardware, will for sure consider them! :slight_smile:

SonicOrbiter update to HQP 4.30.3 is up now.

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….and it solves the problems I was having.

Thanks, Jussi!

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4.30.3 also fixed my issues. Thanks, Jussi!

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