Is there an easy way to remotely switch the device output and convolution settings in HQPlayer? @jussi_laako
In the basement, I have a dedicated Mac mini running Roon and HQPlayer 5. This goes to my NAA and listening rig down there.
Upstairs in the office, I’d love to be able to easily tell HQPlayer to send the signal to an NAA in there instead of the basement so I can enjoy the beauty of Roon + HQPlayer on two different setups in the house.
Is there an easy way for this to be done remotely so I don’t have to go into the basement to change the HQPlayer output NAA and change convolution whenever I want to listen upstairs?
Or, can I run another copy of HQPlayer 5 Desktop on my MacBook to control my Mac mini that’s my Roon Core and handling the processing for HQPlayer? (devices are on the same network)
There is HQPlayer Client, but, I don’t see how to change Outputs with it. I do use it when I don’t feel like putting Roon in the middle. I think that the feed from qobuz sounds a bit tighter going straight through HQplayer’s client.
If you want to stick to your Mac Mini +HQDesktop then the only way is to access via remote screen share. It’s extremely easy once setup, particularly if your client is also a Mac and you use the ‘screen sharing’ app. You can just leave it running minimized as well.
You can easily do what you want by through the screen share and utilizing the settings import/export feature of HQPlayer Desktop. This way you can switch all settings at once to match the output you want to use.
I’m not familiar with that import/export feature; that sounds great to be able to change many settings at once. Can you please explain how to use it, Jussi?
When you have set of settings done, export those settings to some file using the option in HQPlayer Desktop’s File-menu. Then make settings for another endpoint and export it too. You can now switch between two different setups by importing either settings file using the corresponding option in File-menu.
Settings file includes all things from Settings dialog, matrix dialog, etc. Library is not included though, that is separate. So you can maintain just one library but multiple output setups.
For Roon, HQPlayer is the endpoint. You can have multiple HQPlayer endpoints in Roon and switch between those. That is what I do with my multiple HQPlayer servers. NAA is something that is not visible to Roon by any means, it is just output device detail of HQPlayer.
Hi Jussi, any updates on when this feature will make it to the HQPDControl app on iOS: switching between settings files / setups without having to remote access into the HQPlayer desktop app itself?
This is at the top of my list: to have an easy, iOS solution for switching between the two setups on my one network!