HQPlayer Embedded Discussion [2021-2022]

This is why I love iOS → UpBoard → HQPlayer

Bit perfect auto sample rate switching feeding HQPlayer

Then HQPlayer doing my headphones EQ and DSP crossover & room correction (Audiolense XO created)

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(Just in case iOS itself switches sample rates in difference to MacOS. That is why it is much superior to Android imo. If Apple would allow systemwide DSPs especially EQ would only use iPad for streaming :hugs:. Let s hope for Airplay 3 to mix all cards in market new :hugs:)

You can use your Mac now as Airplay endpoint. Which is super super cool but is limited to 44.1/16. If Apple increase bandrate….Good bye to a lot of stuff from smaller companies…Still need for NAA? Let s see what Apple will come up with….

Spotify realized what Apple is up to.You can not stream spotify to a Mac via Airplay :rofl: So you need blackhole or simmiliar for Spotify….

@jussi_laako , whatever. But it would be super cool if HQPlayer Desktop (embedded?) itself would allow Airplay as input on Mac. Right now doing the blackhole way too.Which I do not like, so not really using it (streaming).

Actually this isn’t correct, I showed it in the Apple Music thread that it can support 24/192k.

But I’ve only just learnt today that macOS NAA can be an input to HQPlayer.

So now I will test if iOS → macOS NAA → HQPlayer works

In theory, should support auto sample rate switching since source is iOS.

So in theory should be no need for UpBoard hardware

Will test this weekend

Airplay is limited to 44.1/16 except for Apple TV. There 48. Only Chromecast can do 96/24. AirPlay (Schnittstelle) – Wikipedia

Apple Music can do 192/24. Amazon too. But not Airplay.


I posted this back in October

See the discussion which followed

This feature is still called “Airplay” by Apple as I shared official link. So technically I showed Airplay supports 24/192k

Nope.Airpla cant do 192. Take a look at specfication. Wait for Airplay 3.

I shared official Apple link in the discussion I linked there

That feature of iOS played to macOS is officially called Airplay. I showed the link. And I showed 24/192k passes bit perfect test.

So Airplay supports 24/192k

Please see the discussion and links to Apple docs I showed

Sorry I give up, this discussion was had in Apple Thread. Please have a read of it. I proved all this back in October when this new feature came out.

If Apple called this new iOS to macOS feature “Airplay” and I showed it passes 24/192k bit perfect test - I’m not sure what further discussion is needed.

Lets change back to HQPlayer Embedded in this thread.

There’s another thread for Apple I shared above

Do not waste your time with it. I love Airplay too. But lets wait for Airplay 3.

WIth macOS NAA no, thanks to limitations of CoreAudio. Same goes for WASAPI on Windows and ALSA on Linux. On ALSA you need special device specific support to make it work. Technically ASIO supports it perfectly, but many ASIO drivers don’t actually support it since it is one of the optional features.


I don’t think Apple allows 3rd party software to become AirPlay device. Google doesn’t allow this for Chromecast either.

ok. not really a surprise actually. however loving NAA :hugs: best you sell it to apple…lol…

No, no auto sample rate.

I don’t think apple would allow developer to touch that layer.
@jussi_laako What do you think?

You don’t need to be so complicated.

Try the software soundsource, which allow you to use sound plugin.

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But can’t use sound plugin like MacOS
There’s no perfect solution yet! damn.

But why do you need a plugin? HQPlayer handles all DSP ?

Perfect solution already here :smiley:

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Many reasons.

GUI, more choices of plugin.
Like my case, I use Pro-Q3 for EQ and GoodHertz Canopener for crossfeed.
There’s no replacement in HQPlayer (yet…or not?)
How do you do similar thing in HQP embedded? Care to share?

I do 10-band headphone EQ and cross-feed in HQPlayer. And also works for DSD → DSD processing unlike those plugins…

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That’s great, where to set it?