Humour alert: Lara Trump - Shockingly available on Roon

I came here with my pitchfork and torch at the ready to deplore the unavailability in Roon of this exemplar of the increasingly popular ‘Autotune on a Horse’ sub-genre.

You can imagine my discomfort at finding it was, in fact, readily available on Roon and I could, in theory, put it on repeat and play it ad nauseum.

I feel like this is a violation of something or other and will definitely be taking it up with the Mods*.

(* Disclaimer: May not actually be taken up with the Mods)


I speak for Danny* and the rest of the big chiefs.

Roon does not discriminate against horses and those that sit upon their backs. It is not the horses fault the person on their back is, well, misfortunate in thinking they can sing naturally. We also do not discriminate because of who, Lara married. Someone had to.

A personal thought from me, it’s rather cra…

*No I don’t, it’s a joke :wink:

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Oh my! And that poor girl (pun?) really didn’t deserve my stream royalties.
Damned, my whole morning is now just flak and shrapnel…


I’m sure this will appeal to @AMT he loves a bit of crap pop, as his love of Robson and Jerome has shown this week.


Hey, no need to dis R&J. It’s not their fault they can’t sing and dance.

Next you’ll be dissing Justin Bieber, she’s ace!



@andybob and @AMT

What is the purpose of these posts? To denigrate a large number of Americans?

I am sure this thread would be deleted if it was about someone that you agreed with…this one should be deleted even if you don’t agree with Lara Trump.


Hi @musicjunkie917

This is all tongue in cheek. :wink:

No one is mocking any nationality of people’s. :pray:

It’s a bad attempt at a Tom Petty song and critics have called it out to be. I am not a fan of this version of the song, for it is not to my liking. The original is ok.

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Hand on heart. If Hunter Biden released some lame-ass autotuned cover of a Barry White song I’d mock that too.


I’d buy it!

Maybe an Amy Winehouse cover would be appropriate.

Or Perhaps

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“ He’s the smartest guy I know “ :joy::wink::rofl:

Edit: Poll dancers for democracy? I can get behind that

I wonder at what rpm Tom is spinning in his grave???


33 1/3 ?

7 characters


A horse’ sub-genre? Your spelling is incorrect, you are missing a W and the s, e and apostrophe are scrambled :rofl:

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Horse walks into a bar…………

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She should have remade the song by Genesis, ‘I Can’t Dance’

I can’t dance
I can’t talk
Only thing about me is the way I walk
I can’t dance
I can’t sing
I’m just standing here selling everything



This :arrow_down: is the best band in the world. Without a doubt, they are.


Awesome :+1:t2: Think I hurt my hip dancing along……….

Where did I leave my Red Bull and Vodka?

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How wonderful, they even did it again. Wonder if the real lamb was there :rofl:

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