I Can't Take It Anymore!

They wrote “Tell Me” which was on their first album, and also in 64 were writing songs which other artists covered.

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It came out in May 1966

Anyone with the name Slim Fishgutz HAS to be cooler than the rest! And yeah, The Stones were way cooler than The Beatles. Love both bands but The Stones just sound better to me still today. I rarely listen to The Beatles anymore. The John and George songs sound best still today. Paulie, not so much. Dude writes banal lyrics mostly. Of course it’s all subjective and just my opinion…

All music is subjective. Otherwise, we would all listen to the same albums. I don’t think we should ever criticize anyone’s choice of music. If you don’t like it, just don’t listen to it.


I have noticed the same thing too!

Well now isn’t this weird…just played LET IT BLEED and Roon followed up New York Dolls and Aerosmith. Makes more sense than Bruce Twangsteen. First time ever. Were they listening to this thread?

scratch that…just played bruce. aaargh

So are you saying that despite banning him, he still shows up uninvited in Radio? If so, this needs investigation.

I was 23 in 1984 and there is no way Springsteen is a god compared to the Stones…

SO I ran the experiment and this is what I got.

No haven’t banned him yet

Makes no sense but at least it’s sixties stuff

What are you waiting for then? You never play him so ban him!

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I have a similar issue that Roon does not figure out for itself whenever it selects the next track to play. Specifically, if I set and play strictly instrumentals for quite a few selections it then throws a vocal piece in whenever I have no desire to hear voice pieces! Very Annoying!!!

No way to select just instrumental pieces!

Laurier also a recent new user!

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Roon Radio is necessarily coarse-grained. It learns from everyone and isn’t trying to adapt itself to individual users. Some of the statements by Roon about Valence give that impression, but my understanding is that individual tailoring occurs with New Releases For You or Suggestions For You, and not as much for Roon Radio.

Complaints about repetition, limited rotations or over-representation are interesting for the devs, because they are failings of the intended experience. Complaints that a particular artist gets played at all is what the ban function is for.

If you want only instrumental music, for example, Roon Radio isn’t the right tool. You would be better placed shuffling a selection of instrumental albums.

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A black hole would be a better description :smile:

Or if you were feeling particularly dastardly…REMOVE him from the library!! He’ll be OK, he’s tougher than the rest…

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He’s the Boss but not as tough as these guys:


That said the Ramones declaration looks pretty hollow now…


I agree that roon radio is not very smart reading the music taste, even if I like a lot of songs.
With todays AI power it should be easy to scan all music in exitstence to evaluate how it sounds to a human being from pitch voice color, tempo instrumentation etc,
I also dont see a playlist like in Jriver to decide which songs I like to hear and which not. The thumps up or down does not really help either if you have a huge collection, since no-one can tell me they remember how each song of 20’000 albums sounded. I want to rediscover my collection based on a music mood I am in, so I expect, if I selected a song or Album, that Roon plays exactly that in roon radio. Far from it though! I even added lastfm to assist Roon. That to me is the most important function from any audio player software. but it seems as this is the crown jewel of audio playback till today.

Also the import function does not even detect artists from proper tagged files, like Donna Summer! I wonder what the album scanning does. Each app on a smartphone could give a proper tagging.

I know the feeling, I have a Classical Violin playlist and after it’s finished playing Roon Radio always switches to “Oh Brother Where Art Thou“ go figure