Roon Nucleus Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Asus AC5300 and Furutech Ethernet Cable Category 7 (STP/Class F) Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/ect.)
Schiit Yggrasil - USB Description Of Issue
I set the system up following the instruction from Roon (Roon Nucleus connected with router via LAN cable, Schiit Yggrasil connected with Roon Nucleus via USB cable), the Nucleus is on and I cannot see its core in the list on Roon remote app. I have another core in my Macbook Pro and that core is on the list. The leds at the LAN port of Nucleus are blinking green on the right and orange on the left.
Is there any way to fix it or maybe the issue was from the hardware?
Silly thing but have you turned the Nucleus on? there is a power switch at the rear too. Flashing LAN lights do not mean its powered on, only that the power supply is connected.