I need to load onto a other PC. When I download Rooninstaller64 it will not open because microsoft state it is not a veified appit a verified

ch_3Mv8AFIO3pJjmqa10qRsCOzb Roon Core Machine

USB dragon fly>

Number of Tracks in Library

1381 tracks"

Description of Issue

I need to load onto a other PC on widows 11. When I download Rooninstaller64 it will not open because microsoft state it is not a verified app. It asks me to get it from app store (Microsoft!) or change my app recommendation setting. NO ROON is on Microsoft site. And Im not sure what setting I need to change. It downloaded on 1st PC without issue?

s1 roon

Change your settings so Windows will let you install it. Also, make sure you install the program you want. You have downloaded both Roon and Roon Server.

Thanks to all. Now working!!


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