Import of album hangs

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)


Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Ethernet Fritzbox

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Denon Soundbar 716H HDMI
Denon Home 250 analog

**Description Of Issue

On import of album file import is stuck on third file. Album consists of 11 files.

Album I’m trying to import:

I can’t stop the process. I have restarted core, switched off and on, and did reset database. Nothing did the trick. How can I solve this ?

After converting the files in apple music to lessless files (also m4a extension) and creating another network directory and also restarting my macbook (running as endpoint) import of this album has succeeded.

.m4a files are not supported by Roon.

I’d suggest removing that folder, converting the files to flac, and then re-add the folder.

EDIT: I spoke too soon, apparently they are supported, so it might be that the third file is corrupt. Either way, remove the folder, convert them to a different format, and try again.

Hey @DaveN,

A big thank you for your insightful post!

@Reinier_Smeets, I’m very sorry we weren’t around to help right away. Did @DaveN’s suggestion make a difference for you?

Please, let us know if we can help with anything now :nerd_face:

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Thanks for your reaction. The problem was solved after converting the file to alac format. Thanks to David for his helpful suggestion.


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