Import recording "area" (not just "place") metadata from MusicBrainz

It’s been noted elsewhere that Roon doesn’t seem to sync recording location/date metadata from MusicBrainz, but on investigation, I’ve noticed that while info in the recording “place” category in MB (e.g. a specific recording studio, live venue, etc), does appear to sync, info on what MB calls the recording “area” (a city, state, etc, used when the exact recording location is unknown) does not sync. And since a recording date in MB can (I think) only be entered in conjunction with a “place” or “area,” recording dates linked to an “area” likewise do not show up in Roon. (I’m happy to be corrected if any of this isn’t right.)

As a fan of jazz recordings from the 1920s–40s, for which the exact recording “place” is often hard to determine but the recording “area” and date are known (e.g. New York, May 2, 1946), auto-importing of recording “area”/date metadata would be a big plus. Perhaps collectors in other genres would appreciate this as well. Given how smoothly Roon imports other metadata from MB, I’d hope this would be easy enough to implement.