Can’t connect to Roon When I call up Roon, I am asked to select my account. When I do so, I get either the message “invalid password” or “invalid recaptcha”. The first is obviously nonsense, the password was valid and still working yesterday. I also reset it about ten times, but immediately afterwards, when I tried the new password, I got the message that it was invalid. I don't understand the other error message.
If you need more specific tips, you may have to specify your OS and browser you use. Did you try already with another browser/OS (another phone, tablet or PC)?
Is this the answer to my queastion? I don’t see that it can help. I have the problem that from time to time I can’t log into Ron because of this Captcha Thing. Changing the browser makes no difference. What can I do?
I doubt there’s a single one of us who hasn’t somehow or other typed in (or, say, pasted in) an extra/trailing space - especially after changing it as often as you did before your OP… maybe, for instance, one of your attempts to reset it did not ‘take’ as expected?
CAPTCHA can also be annoying; it’s a result of ‘bad actors’ spoiling things for the rest of us. But clicking only on those images which are required ought eventually to lead to the correct combination to get you in. Good luck.
Are you able to try to login to Roon via another device? What kind of device is presenting you troubles with the login, is it a Mac? If so, do you have any Content Blockers toggled on in your Safari settings?
Open up the Safari browser.
Open the “Safari” menu in the top left corner of the screen.