Incompatibility between APP and core?


Can someone please assist.
I have tried reinstalling the Roon control app.

I participated in ARC testing. Does Roon need to push another update to my core to get me back to production?

I don’t think that Roon Labs will push anything to your Core, you may have to switch release path yourself. Read also:

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Thanks doing this now.
Much appreciated.

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Now I get this from my PC remote also:

Will try reinstalling Roon software

Happy days reinstalling Roon software fixed the issue.

Core and Remotes (including ARC) everything has to be on the same release channel. It’s on you to decide which one (Production, Earlyaccess or 1.8_Legacy).

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Ok, thanks much appreciated.
I incorrectly assumed Roon would push updates to production as required.
Many thanks Steve

Within each channel, updates will be pushed automatically. However, you must ensure that all your devices are in the same channel.

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