You definitely want to be all in or all out. And being in has some “responsibilities”. I think the help explanation if you read it is pretty clear. My read is, if you want to minimize hassle, stay in production and wait for general release of new features. And if you want to see the new features before everyone else, be ready to maintain a slightly unique environment and have the occasional hiccough (as this one above has been). My opinion only, I’m not a mod or employee. But in all the early access programs I know, it’s always “be ready to act as a pro user & deal with the unexpected, you are catching some, hopefully but not necessarily minimal, amount of stuff/bugs/issues on behalf of all the general release users”. I know that’s not what Roon said exactly, but there are a lot of relatively less sophisticated users who are now in early access because they said it was just a costless choice, but this (even if we were warned, and we really truly were) is a perfect example. I’d say take your pick, but it’s not designed (nor is any early access program) to be perfect or easily permeable/simple to move between. If you want simple, stay in prod.
Core is 1155
All Remotes 1148
Got the dreaded Incompatible Versions Problem.
Verified I’m Beta in Play Store. Where are the early access Remotes and why isn’t that a pinned post somewhere? This combo worked 2 days ago. Unsure why it stopped working this morning.
Obviously I missed a memo someone please point me in the right direction! I’m dead here. I’m listening on a Sonos speaker with bluetooth. The horror!
And, 1 of my Android tablets just stopped being dumb and connected (still using 1149).
Now Windows and Mac need to figure it out. What on earth am I doing wrong here?
What the heck? Next screen endlessly just says “Checking for Update”. If I reboot the next screen tells me I’m on latest.
I’ve not had enough coffee for this and the coffee I do have is getting cold as I troubleshoot. I’m going to take my 1 working Android tablet and hope for the best.
Mac, Windows, and iPad still complain of incompatible version.
This is current Production build and not Earlyaccess as required (as posted by Mike).
This is current Earlyaccess and hence works with your Earlyaccess Core.
I was invited to beta test ARC. I initially agreed to it, but then decided it wasn’t worth the effort for my use case. Roon continued to work in the usual way, so I forgot about it and stopped following any discussion about it. Yesterday, it broke. Now I’m learning about TestFlight, which is all new to me.
I’m not mad. But I’ll be very careful about any beta testing offers that Roon puts out there.
Instructions included in some of the multiple links posted above.
Either bring your core into early access, or your remote back to production. Your choice. Both are documented in the Early Access help file linked to many times above.
I’m not pushing back on hassle or technical complexity. That’s all fine and I agree that playing with pre-releases requires a safety waiver . What I’m questioning is whether choosing to test one component, like a core, should drag all other components in. That’s a choice Roon gets to make. Clients and services can version independently. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. I’m just expressing interest here in an EA approach that allows for production clients to be used with EA core. There are advantages and disadvantages to that both approaches. Roon can pick.
Sorry, I did not see this post. My post got moved here by one of the mods - thank you.
Updated my core and all is well.
I think, and in this case it’s 110% speculation based on what I’ve observed, that Roon software expects cores & remotes to move in pretty close lockstep, it’s not like a set of services but a closer integration. I’m inferring. But based on my experience prior to when there even was an early access program, and getting remotes & core out of sync a bit and needing to jump through some hoops occasionally, I’m pretty sure they can’t vary. But I’m guessing, and you’re right, that’s totally up to Roon. Based on what I read in the notes, I think you’re all in or all out - at this point. And based on the kerfuffle / sturm und drang that all of us on this thread went thru, if I were running Roon I’d want to set some pretty clear expectations with the earlyaccess crew. -j
App stores make it challenging to guarantee lockstep releases. Not just because of review processes and the lack of control that developers have but also because auto updates happen whenever devices decide to pull them. Roon already supports both cores and devices getting ahead of one another - at least in limited ways.
This is less about what you and I think - or know - about how Roon or other stuff works. It’s just me making a comment / request about the ability to be pick and choose EA for core and clients rather than it being a bowl of congealed spaghetti where pulling on one strand gets you the whole thing.
Roon Core Machine
Mac Mini 2018 Mac OS Ventura
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Optimum router, EERO Mesh
Connected Audio Devices
Bricasti M3
Number of Tracks in Library
Almost 25,000
Description of Issue
Started today. See screenshot below. This is in both iPad and iPhone.
Tried the following-
Updated remote
Updated roon core
Reinstalled roon on mac mini
Restarted mac mini
No bueno.
New updates just released. Check again and you should have 1159 available to install on core and remotes.
You need to get both devices running Early Access builds or both running Production builds. Your choice. See here for how to do this:
Where is the changelog?
I don’t know what Roon’s intentions are, but I would guess Early Access will rely on Test Flight for Roon Remote updates to IOS and Android devices. However, it’s actually a simple process to switch back and forth on your Remote. Use Test Flight for the Early Access version and your app store for the regular “production” version.
Early Access release - posted here: