Inconsistent Playlist Sorting Issue (ref#X6SYY5)

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When I add a track to a playlist I no longer get an alphabetical list of my playlists but an apparently random list. This is no good since I have a vast number of playlists and having to go through them all to find the right is not an option. How do I get my playlist to sort alphabetically when I am adding something to them?

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It is annoying and will probably require a feature request. One work-around I use is the new folder support in the playlists main menu on the left:

This makes it a lot easier to navigate a larger playlist library. The strange thing is that although playlist sorting is not supported when adding to a playlist, it is when displaying playlists:

Thanks Tony. I know about the sorting of regular playlists and it never occurred to me they would abandon the sorting when adding to a playlist. What an incredibly moronic thing to do! What I do not understand is your work around. How does using the playlists on the left help?

I have well over 600 playlists. Many of them started life as roon or Qobuz playlists. So I have the same problem. If I want to add a track to a playlist, navigating a random 600+ list of playlists is a thankless task.

So what I have done is structured the playlists into a folder hierarchy. Subfolders are supported as well:

What this means is that for example, say I want to add an “Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli” track to a Classical, a Classical Piano, a Chamber Music or even a Michelangeli playlist then I can much more easily navigate down a folder hierarchy than a 600+ randomised list. Once you have made the folder hierarchy and moved your playlists into a more structured form then roon will display the folders when you go to “add to playlist”:

Bizarrely, the folders are displayed alphabetically if not the playlists. I wouldn’t suggest putting each playlist in its own folder but some sort of folder structure does help.

I guess what throws me in your explanation is: “structured the playlists into a folder hierarchy”. How do you get a playlist into a folder?

PS. I am astonished to see a “folders” option in My library. For years the makers screamed that was one feature they would never ever implement, so over the years I abandoned my old folder arrangement of music, much to my regret I might add, and now it is there again?

Playlist folders and file folders are completely different things. Both were added recently.

You move a playlist into a playlist folder from its menu in My Playlists:

To create playlist folders:

Roon‘s owners changed.

  1. Create as many playlist folders and sub-folders as you need in roon. These are not part of your OS filesystem but are a solely roon structure. This might be what is causing the confusion:

  1. Next move your playlists into the relevant folder:

There is a massive thread on roon folders which appears to have been an early concession of the Harman take-over.

Edit: I can see my post is a virtual duplicate of the previous post. They have crossed whilst I was editing.

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First of all, thanks a lot! Now I understand. Second, I am clearly out of touch. As a long-term user I just use Roon and vaguely noted the change to a listing of Playlists on the side, but that was about it. I did not know Roon has been taken over and am delighted by the change of heart about folders. Only … it came way too late. I really cannot see myself reintroduce my old folder structure (genre > composer > work > different versions) unless they are making it easy for us by automating it. Anyway, thanks for the link to the thread on folders. That should make interesting reading.

I think they complemented each other nicely with different screenshots and links :slight_smile:

Hi @Luke23,

The Add to Playlist dialogue window defaults to sort by Date Modified - this is by design. During our research on this implementation, users most commonly wanted to add to or append a recently created playlist. This unfortunately compels more curatorial, classical-playlist users to pursue workarounds such as @tripleCrotchet’s.

I do recommend you lend your voice in Feature Suggestions if you feel strongly. Your use case is not uncommon.

@connor, the vast majority of my playlists are pop not classical. You should be able to see that from my original screenshot. I wouldn’t even say I was a predominantly Classical listener. About 30% according to roon.

I must say that the introduction of folders makes navigation much easier in this particular use case although it is difficult to understand why the same basic navigation sorts are not offered consistently throughout roon.

Thanks, but you do not explain why we do not get the same sort choice there as we do elsewhere. Moreover, “users most commonly …” is disingenuous. I too usually want to add more than one track to the same playing list, but first I have to FIND the playlist to which I want to add something. Allowing different sort options would make this much easier.

Thanks for that, I had completely missed these options!

Quick question: does any of my file structure move if I use this?

Playlist folders have nothing to do with your OS folder structure and do not effect it in anyway. They are a purely roon structure

Just create whatever playlist folder structure you want including sub-folders. I don’t know what the limits are. I have sub-folders to a depth of 3.

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