Increase Volume Of Individual Albums/Songs

Hi, I would like the ability to increase the volume of specific albums or songs without applying the volume levelling to everything. Is there a way I can do this?

What format do you use for your digital media? You could use ReplayGain and re-encode the files, or let Roon use the tags, but that would be applying some form of DSP anyway.

Why don’t you what the flexibility of volume levelling in Roon? The audio analysis is done when importing music, and Roon stores r128 data for this purpose. Any other process outside of Roon is going to do something similar.

My files are all stored in FLAC.

I don’t like the idea of having any processing on my files, especially for the benefit of a handful of albums/singles.

But it is the only way to achieve this. Either in Roon or using an app to permanently change your files. When using Roon, you have to choice to listen to the original or apply volume levelling. If you were to use, say metaflac, changes would be permanent.


This. And achieving the target loudness in the studio was done by essentially the same process, anyway

That completely contradicts what your asking for then.

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Well, I think the OP wants leveling only for a few albums where the loudness is very off, and no leveling for everything else. I don’t think it makes much sense, but it’s not completely contradictory

Forget about your anxiety with applying DSP to your previous files and have a look at @DrCWO 's excellent post regarding measurements he’d done to find out about how deleterious Roon’s DSP volume control is - and volume leveling uses the same code.

It’s all absolutely inaudible and orders of magnitude below what your amp, any amp actually, does to your precious files…

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You got me worried there for a few seconds. :smile:


I use album volume leveling and it works well most of the time, but I still frequently correct some albums manually. Only by 2-3db instead of 5-10db, but still. For example quiet stuff like Talk Talk is often way too loud and loud noise like Napalm Death or Converge is too quiet. By no means a critical feature, but I would use it too for some of those outliers, on top off leveling.

I think that’s for the fact that some music like Napalm Death must be played louder than a singer with acoustic guitar, for both to sound natural. No software can help with that, the only thing it can do is that the loudest part of an album always means the same dB regardless of mastering volume


Just saying it’s not a crazy feature request to manually adjust the gain directly in Roon on the album or track level. But yeah, since leveling in general works well and you could use ReplayGain I guess, I see the rather limited value.


The volume control is also handy :wink:


I was referring to him not wanting to process files which is what is needed here to achieve it.

Yeah but it seems to me that he doesn’t want to process the large majority of his files that don’t need it, just for the benefit of a few that do. Volume leveling processes everything



Sounds like what i want isnt a feature, its not the end of the world. I just need to be extremely careful because if I’m listening to a quiet song loud and roon radio kicks in I may blow my speakers or at the very least scare myself half to death.


DSP per album has been requested before if you search the forum you might find the posts and add your vote.


Great suggestion, thanks :+1:t2:

Interestingly, in Tunes one can set EQ and adjust volume for individual albums/tracks.

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Just use the volume knob :grin: