Indexing issue making Roon slow & unusable

Help, after the latest Roon update Roon has been reindexing my library connected to my Nucleus+ for several days. I thought it would finish soon, but according to the ‘adding music to library window’ it’s got a long way to go. I just restarted Roon and it’s started indexing again.

Hi @Paul_Elliott,

I have seen this before on my side as well.

Here are some suggestions:

Change these settings to a faster setting and see if it goes away (Background audio analysis speed and on-demand audio analysis speed).

This could also be a situation where you have a corrupt file that is getting hung up. If this is the case, we’ll need you to:

Reboot your Core machine.
Start up Roon and let the spinner go for ~5 minutes.
Reboot your Core machine once more.
Start up Roon and let the spinner go for another ~5 minutes.

Note the time and date here and we might be able to pin down any corrupted media.


Hi Wes,

Thanks for the advise, my settings are already on fast (4 cores)

When you say let spinner go for 5 minutes, I presume you mean the spinner on the right at the top of the play page after the black icon has disappeared after Roon has fully booted up.

Do you think my large library of over 700,000 songs is causing issues?



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Hi @Paul_Elliott ,

Apologies, Wes has to temporarily switch to a different department and we missed your follow-up here and the thread auto-closed.

I’ve activated diagnostics mode and it looks like your Nucleus may be experiencing an issue that we are currently investigating.

I’ve submitted your report in the investigation ticket and will leave your thread open in case we need to request more information regarding your setup/library.

Thanks in advance for your patience while we try to get to the bottom of what is causing this indexing behavior.

Thanks Norris,

My Roon experience seems better now, but this is something that comes up from time to time and perhaps contributes to ARC being usually unusable.

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Nucleus Internal SSD & Novus Oyen

Artists 20424 - Albums 56840 - Tracks 727120 - Composers 216

Seagate 16TB

Nucleus + 32 mb

Netgear Nighthawk AX12, Ethernet to Nucleus+

Connected Audio Devices - Naim Uniti Atom

Number of Tracks in Library -721,304

Description of Issue - Forever stuck on indexing making Roon playback and search almost impossible

I’d powered off my Nucleus and powering back on a few days later seemed to cause the re-indexation of my music files. Since it started 2 days ago the indicator suggests I’ve at least 80% to go.

I’ve cleaned up my library but to no avail.

Hi @Paul_Elliott,

Thank you for your post and we’re sorry to hear you’ve had to endure an indexing marathon. At your convenience, can you provide a log set to our QA team?

You can use the directions found here to send over a set of logs to our File Uploader.

@support Hi Connor,

I’ve just uploaded the server log files named

Many thanks


Hi I notice that indexing has stopped and I’m able to use Roon now. I see that I have 2 copies of my Roon_databs folder with the same date on each file. I’m attempting to delete to 2nd file which is up to over 120k files deleted so far. Perhaps this explains the long indexing time.
Was I right to delete the 2nd folder and why do you think this occurred?

Hi @Paul_Elliott,

Please accept my apologies for missing your earlier question until now.

Can you please share a screenshot of your Watched Folders page in the Library tab, as well as any automatic Backups you have created in the Settings → Backups tab?

Do you additionally have a large number of tags applied across your library?

The duplicate RoonServer folder is possibly a consequence of a Backup location pointing to the same volume hosting your database. I’d verify that you don’t have overlapping destinations hosting Backups and your Roon local library.

The slow indexing might be a performance issue with large numbers of tags, or a single tag applied across a large percentage of a library. Larger libraries like yours would be more vulnerable to symptoms - we have a fix testing right now in #earlyaccess, so you can expect some improvements here with the next release of Roon.

I’ll keep an eye out for your response. Thank you again for your patience.

Hi, thanks for getting back to me and in answer about my tags I don’t use tags.

Roon is currently not available to me as I finished backing up my music library
and I’m trying to use a Dell Latitude E7440 i5 as a Roon sever with the external drive containing
the backup of my music files. It’s been taking nearly a week to add the files to Roon :slight_smile:

Nucleus Support support

I’ve been using a Nucleus+ for several years and have been plagued with slow and sluggish performance
searching and playing music.

I’ve just copied my music library over 700, 000 tracks to an expat formatted external drive and have set up the Roon sever on my Mac mini 2018 3.2Ghz i7 32 GB memory.

After indexing completed I noticed that searching and playing music was much faster than the Nucleus and not the chore as the Nucleus was a lot of the time.

Can someone tell if this is normal, should my Mac be better using Roon than the Nucleus or does this suggest a problem with the Nucleus?



Is it possible that the Roon version differed? (Did you have the latest updates on the Nucleus / when was the latest update on the Nucleus?)

Asking because Roon Labs made performance improvements that seemed to help many people with large libraries.

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I just switched back to the Nucleus and it definitely seems slower than the Mac and I checked that I have the latest upgrade

I guess with 700K tracks and with certain problematic library structures, even a Nucleus+ may reach its limits.

Largest Libraries

If you have over 250K+ tracks in your library, consider us impressed! You’re among the top .01% of Roon users, and you have a library most of us could only dream of.

With libraries this large, we expect the right hardware will work, but it’s definitely not something that we test with in-house. Your best bet will be to get a beefy Roon OS setup with a fast new CPU and plenty of RAM, but a very high-spec system running Linux, Windows, or macOS can work just as well.

We strongly recommend you engage with members of our user community when making any hardware purchase decisions for a very large library. There you will find a number of music collectors, like yourself, who have first-hand experience with getting the most out of Roon when the library track count is best

However, I don’t know if it’s expected that the Mac handles it better. And I believe, based on other performance topics, Roon Labs may expect the N+ to perform OK, unless the library structure is really pathological.

Therefore, I think this is one for @support to investigate in detail, in particular because additional work on performance was promised.

Thanks, I’ve collected records and CDs for over 5 decades and I owned a record and CD shop. I digitised all my CDs and aquired digital files through various sources. Thanks for the tip about contacting support about this issue. I was suprised how well the Mac performed especially considering that I’m also using it as my main computer and all that entails. I don’t really have the cash to upgrade my Roon server again and it’s really a tossup between the Nucleus or the Mac.

I’d use whatever works best, and a Nucleus+ isn’t the newest. With such a large library, you might want to consider a new Nucleus Titan or M2 Mac mini.

Can you add more memory to the nucleus? 32g in the mini will be speeding things up I would have thought?