Installing an older release?

Hi Guys,
I had a previous thread where it was inferred my VPN was to blame for the current instability. Long story short. I tried to use the google DNS server as requested. In simple terms i could just about manage to implement the DNS as requested but it caused multiple issues with other items on my home network which were beyond my technical ability to solve. So i reverted to the prior configuration.

In addition to which frankly i live in a part of the world where having a VPN is a necessity. I’ve had the Roon nucleus running my stereo for since late 2019 and have always had a VPN since then. This is the first major issue i’ve had with Roon.

It’s clear to me that the current release isn’t stable. In which case probably the best thing for me at this point until the next release is issued, which hopefully fixes these issues, is to revert to an earlier release.

All of this being said. Is there a way for me to install an earlier release?

Hi, there’s about 300K + people using it without issue, if Roon is not stable on your system it’s more likely to be related to the local environment (hardware, network, database). I recommend reaching out to Roon’s @support once more.

Either create a new topic for it, or I can merge this one back into your other topic (let me know).

Not what you want to hear I know, but in short no.

If you‘re desperate enough, try Roon Legacy 1.8

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