Installing ffmpeg codec

I have followed all the instructions and have the ffmpeg file. I have a NUC with ROCK installed on my network with an attched SSD drive with all my music files. I’m not understanding the directions below. I have watched countless how to Roon Rock videos and once they get to the codec installation they just fast forward to once it is installed and running. What am I missing?

  1. Connect To Roon OS - Roon OS exposes a shared network folder called Data. You can access this SMB share by following the instructions here here

  2. Copy Codecs to Roon OS - Place the ffmpeg file in the Codecs folder, which you can find in Roon OS’s Data directory

  3. Restart Your Core - Restart Roon Server using the Roon OS web interface

This may help. Skip to 6 minutes. Last reply was wrong.

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You’re not missing anything. What’s the problem?

Did you do this -

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Thanks. I saw this video but still am having issues. I have tried entering \\ROCK\ in another windows computer on the network and I just get an error.

Disregard… I entered \\ROCK\DATA and now it’s visible. The weird thing is I was playing music on the ROCK fine without installing the codecs.

Use the IP address of your ROCK in File Explorer and set up a networked drive, e.g.


Not weird at all - the codecs are only required for certain file formats.

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not worried about my Mp3 collection from Napster LOL

If you use Live Radio to listen to your favourite radio stations, then you may need that codec as well…

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What’s a Radio LOL