Just want simple instructions to migrate from old Mac (has latest Roon version 2.0 (1357)) to new Mac (haven’t installed App yet). Use thumb-drive for back-up. Have current back-up. Music (Apple’s Music) is on Mac hard drives - nothing fancy & use Tidal. Do you have to de-authorize old Mac? Should you? How?
Roon Server Platform
Roon Server Specifications
Current old Mac – internal HD 1TB
Connected Audio Devices
DragonFly Cobalt; Koss HeadPhones
Home Network Details
Ethernet - but doubt relevant for setting up Roon on new Mac
I appreciate the reply, but that link is too general for the technically inept (me!). I would like more detailed (more hand holding) recommendations for the specific case (& I suspect not-uncommon case) of moving from old Mac to new Mac. It might not matter that you migrate in a specific way, or maybe not “removing” or “deauthorizing” (whatever that means) old Mac could lead to some future hassles. Again, thanks … I think Roon could be more helpful for folks like me, that really don’t want to get into the weeds (for now anyway).
@BRIAN_WAMSLEY, @DaveN’s link is the set of instructions and guidance for migrating Roon to a new computer (Mac, PC, or other options). While I understand this may seem complex, if you follow them your migration will succeed.
The other option, if you do not need to transfer over your Roon database contraining your play history, any custom settings for equalization, etc. is to de-authorize Roon on your old Mac and just re-install a new copy on your new Mac, then add the music library directory in the new Roon installation.
One point to add. Was the new Mac set up with a system backup made in Time Machine, or was it a complete fresh install? Roon cannot work with a Time Machine backup. It needs a fresh installation of Roon otherwise it may not start correctly.
Thank you. How do you de-authorize old Mac? From within Roon on the old Mac; or do you de-authorize old Mac from Roon settings once you have Roon set-up on new computer? Thanks for the caution regarding Time Machine - I will be doing a fresh install of Roon on the new Mac.
Two options. You can log out of your Roon Server from Roon’s Settings → General tab, or when you setting up your new Roon Server, you have the option to de-authorize the old installation before you complete the installation from new, or your installation and restoration from your backup.
Make sure if you want to keep you history you create and save a backup from Roon’s Settings → Backups tab.
Thank you kindly – not unsurprisingly, couple of hiccups & Roon (not the community) could do a much better job of providing clearer instructions (or maybe I could be smarter and more resilient) – but in all fairness, all seems to be good now on the migration to new iMac – thanks so much