Integration of Amazon Music High Resolution

As far as I know, no. But there is a long standing feature request to do that. The thing is I don’t understand why you would want to do that?

I think we are coming at this from different directions? I am not making the assumption that roon does streaming integration that well. That’s certainly not my experience with Qobuz in the genres I am interested in. TBH roon as a single “window” on my music doesn’t really work for me. I find there are just too many loose ends and unaddressed usability and UI issues with roon going back years that remain unaddressed and as far as I can see will never be addressed.

So I really don’t have an alternative work-flow to propose that would accomplish what you want which is a single roon front-end. I just use whatever is to hand and is the best option depending on use case and do not really want to be tied into a single front end. I like “panel” and “folder” views and UPnP, for example, via old school players in certain scenarios and use them all the time. Roon have made it very clear they will not be providing any of those options. But I also like roon, mostly when I have a vague idea what music I want to hear but nothing too specific. Roon just doesn’t work for me as a precision search tool. I don’t find I need to use Qobuz via roon either. The integration is just not that great. I do add Qobuz content to my library however as finding my likes again directly in Qobuz is difficult. So the front end I use just “depends” on use case.

However, there can be a simplification of the integration several layers down the protocol stack using the JRiver WDM driver if you have an old licence. It won’t help you achieve a single interface but I am personally resigned to multiple interfaces. There are also hardware methods of achieving much the same integration, for example with various miniDSP products. It is just an option that some who have JRiver licences gathering dust may not have considered. I also think that many may be much more interested in a consistent reproduction of the sound in terms of filters, DSP and convolution whatever front end they are using at any particular time. I know I am.

Hi, Tony. Thanks for your reply. In my post above, I talk about using the approach you discuss. I don’t use Roon anymore because my needs are met as I described above and Roon’s advantage as an information provider is amply met by Wikipedia.

I am using JRiver 26 and its WDM driver does everything you stated. I did have to dust it off and in the process of relearning I rediscovered how powerful and customizable it is.

As I am writing this, I am listening to a performance of Mahler’s Symphony No. 1 in my ripped files in JRiver and switching windows to Amazon streamed performances of the same work. It’s quite effortless.

My needs are met. My desire to see if there is a way to have Roon do what we’ve been discussing was because I like to explore solutions. It is very hard if not impossible to create a single front-end to satisfy everyone’s wants and workflows.

Roon is an excellent product that meets many an audiophile’s needs and way of doing things. It just does not meet mine. I am glad we live in an audio world where there are appropriate solutions for different needs, even if at times it takes using various products creatively to achieve what we want.

Roon , for the time being, still meets my needs with exploring newer pop music that is otherwise difficult for me to access. So I am a fan of the discovery tools like the recommendations and radio as a starting point for those genres. TBH, though, I often turn to alternative sources like Bandcamp when I want to go deeper, so roon has limits but I still find roon a useful starting point. Hopefully roon will continue to improve there.

But I understand why Classical fans continue to be disappointed with roon. I was hoping for improvements in 1.8 because of the pre-launch publicity. But I miss-understood those signals and it didn’t really happen I guess because roon just have different priorities. Good luck with your journey.

Thank you, Tony. It has been, and continues to be, a fun journey and one of discovery. I would have never anticipated the fun I’m having using my new Audeze LCD-Xs. Sleep suffers, I’m afraid, at least until we return from the honeymoon.

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A post was split to a new topic: I am looking for end point devices that can be used both for Roon and Amazon

+1 Amazon, yes please!!

If I’m not mistaken, the Amazon desktop app, at least on Windows, lets you add your local library files to your collection. Obviously it doesn’t have all the library maintenence features of JRiver, but might be easier to use one app for playback.

Got an email from Bezos today that Amazon Music HD is now free for all Amazon Music Unlimited users. I believe this is global. Could be a game changer in regards to other streaming services. Would still like to see ROON integration.

Absolutely, that is my wish as well. The trouble is that the Roon architecture demands a tight integration, which will never happen with Amazon and Apple, I just want Roon developers reconsider their own model, all we want is just something in the middle between the sources (Amazon/Apple) and the endpoints (which is our streamers).

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Absolutely. All Amazon and Apple want to do, is to use their ‘competitive advantage’ in music streaming, video streaming etc to SELL MORE KIT. They use music as leverage to sell more Echo’s and iPhones.

Amazon and Apple will never entertain integration with Roon. Why should they? They have no need. They want you to buy another Echo or HomePod. Any integration with Roon contradicts their business models.

Personally, I’m getting fed-up with constant requests for Apple Music & Amazon Music integration on this forum. It ain’t gonna happen! :dizzy_face:


Say no more…add to this Spotify too.


Amen. Floated an idea here on the very same: Definitive statement(s) on music service integrations with Roon?

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No kidding. I’m also tired of hearing about the ‘death knell’ of Roon/Qobuz… far too much schadenfreude and willingness to throw two great small companies - one of whom allows this type of talk on their own forum - under the bus in exchange for the tech overlords. Where did people’s loyalties go? Plus we’re talking the difference of a only few dollars a month, which is typically a pittance in comparison to the audio gear that the music is played over. Just say no to Amazon, Apple and Spotify!


We need to push Roon more and more on it and then once they do it, the posts will then stop.

If you want to push, push Apple. Push Spotify. Push Amazon. Push 'm all. Push 'm 'til you’re blue.

Roon really doesn’t need pushing here.


Not sure I agree. It’s Roon who needs to do the outreach to Apple, etc. That’s their responsibility.

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You assume they haven’t. I wouldn’t be too sure of that.

It will never happen.

It’s clear that Amazon & Apple just aren’t interested in integrating with Roon.

And why on earth would they be, when they ‘sell’ music subscriptions as a loss-leader, to shovel all the other s*** they sell?

Apple/Amazon Exec: ‘So, you’re telling us that with Roon integration, your customers can use a variety of devices to play music provided by us, and they don’t necessarily need one of our own devices?’

Roon: ‘Yes, that’s correct. It gives our customers the choice in how to listen to the music you provide, the income from which is used by yourself to effectively subsidise the profits you make on the all the other stuff you make and sell.’

Apple/Amazon Exec: ‘What a bloody-brilliant idea! Where do we sign-up?’

No you don’t. For things like return to place in scrolling yes, but for the giant corporate integration you want it’s all on the other companies. How many times does this need to be said? You may as well push for McDonald’s to go all organic - it just isn’t going to happen. So get over it and either stay and live happily with Roon/Qobuz/Tidal or look for another solution elsewhere.

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The point is, if Apple doesn’t even know what Roon is, it’s Roon’s job to market and outreach to them. Even present a pitch to them with sales reps, etc. We don’t have indication that Roon is doing such things.