Intermittent interrupts during BBC Radio 2 playback (ref#2TAK55)

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· I am experiencing freezes or crashes

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· I am experiencing freezes or crashes

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Describe the issue

Playing BBC radio2 the stream is frequenlty iterupted, albeit on an irregular basis. It can play for hours, and it can also stop every few minutes. Hitting play again in roon starts it again

Describe your network setup

ubiquity unifi managed switches connected to mitrok and then celerway routers (dual sim connection). However, we'ev recently moved house and alsol had the same problem in the old house with a BT broadband connection (plus the unifi gear)

Hey @Stewart_Hopkins,

Thanks for the report!

As a first step, can you set up a temporary direct connection from your Roon Server to your primary router, bypassing your Unifi gear?

If your issues persist with this simplfied connection, please take note of the specific track name, and if you could, please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?

We’ll be on standby for your response, thank you! :raised_hands:

Thanks for the response. I can try the direct link tomorrow, I’ll have to play the radio (potentially) for a few hours to know if anything is changed. I can send some logs tonight though, I know where in the logs an earlier error from today is so can point you to it

Thanks (logs to come shortly)

logs uploaded under my email address.

see latest log, at around 17:30 timestamp for an example error. the radio stopped playing at this time


Hi there,

Had the roon server directly connected to the mitrok router (the dns server and gateway) and ecountered the same interruptions today. logs will be sent momentarily, look for errors at 18:59:43, log file named after my email address

Note the endpoints are still on the unifi network, impractical given locations of items to connect them directly to the router.

What do you think is wrong?


Possibly the same issue…

Hi, any update on this please?


Hey @Stewart_Hopkins,

Thanks for your patience, and for sending a set of logs over! We were able to review the errors leading to stoppage of playback, and see that audio is stopping due to repeated dropouts and slow media.

The system detected more than 3 seconds of cumulative dropouts within the past 30 seconds, triggering a mechanism to terminate the stream. It also indicates that the dCS Rossini DAC was not receiving data fast enough to keep up with playback.

Do you only run into this issue with BBC radio2? Or radio in general? Do you ever see issues with local files?

A few next steps to test:

  1. Ensure the DAC has a stable, wired Ethernet connection to minimize latency or packet loss.
  2. Reboot Roon Server, DAC, and network equipment to resolve any transient issues.
  3. Check if you’re able to adjust and increase the buffer size settings in the zone settings > device setup > advanced
  4. Test out a different endpoint and see if you experience the same issue.

We’ll be on standby for your results! :+1:

Hi there, apols i’ve been away for the week. Back now and will continue diagnosis. Server, DAC, router everyting have been rebooted many times (we’ve had some electrical work recently) and makes no difference. Bear in mind we had the same problem in a different house with different internet too - for years. Just finally go round to trying to fix it after being nagged !

I’ll see if a different endpoint makes a difference, i’ll look at zone settings, and everything is wired anyway. I’ll check other ortger radio and local sources too. There are no problems streaming tidal or spotify to the same endpoint, they never get interupted or timeout.

Report back soon…

Hi, started new diagnostics - playing a different radio station, Heart (not part of BBC) I am also experiencing interrupts. New logs sent - see errors around 11:18:44 .

I will also experiment with a different endpoint today, but at least it doesnt look like its to do with the BBC.


…and its looks like i cant set a different buffer in the DCS rossini DAC - see picture of available advanced settings attached

Hi there. Also exeriented with different endpoint, Naim Muso, same issues. Any further ideas?


Hi, just following this up…any idea what next?


Hi, anyone there from support?

Hi @Stewart_Hopkins,

Thank you for your patience.

We’ve examined diagnostics from the RoonServer instance from the last two week period. Here’s what we’ve found.

  1. There were previous reports of the BBC’s HLS encoding for radio streams causing ingestion issues when downloaded to RoonServer. The effect was random dropouts, most commonly with the higher-resolution AAC-HLS stream from BBC3 and BBC4. We’ve released a fix for this issue with the most recent public Roon build, and fortunately, don’t see any evidence that it’s affecting your system now.

  2. What we do see in logs are timeouts related to bandwidth throttling - RoonServer’s network allocation drops to 0mb/s as it’s attempting to download and cache tracks from upstream servers (like BBC during Live Radio).

  3. There is packet loss in the local network. A DCS Rossini endpoint is reporting sample dropouts from RoonServer - these dropouts eventually accumulate sufficiently to overwhelm the buffer and stop playback. This packet loss can either result from wireless interference or managed software actively holding up packets while it attempts to optimize network pathways.

In either case, the solution is to simplify the network and rebuild. I recommend first verifying that a reliable DNS server is assigned in the upstream router (Cloudlfare or Quadnine, or Ideally, test without any managed network components (remove second routers and managed switches, connect RoonServer directly to the upstream router), playing to the System Output of RoonServer or a controller.

Once you can establish a reliable connection, build back in the managed network components. Roon’s lossless transport protocols will expose almost any latent packet loss in the network.

We’re happy to answer any questions or clarify further.

Many thanks for the response. I’ll try and simplify albeit temporarily as I don’t have enough unmanaged switches to swap it all out and routers and hifi and server are far apart. There is no WiFi in the chain so I’m guessing it’s the management stuff causing issues. I will also try their support line to see what can be done

I’m away for another week now so will pick this up anew in a couple of weeks


Hi @Stewart_Hopkins,

We’ll watch for your response and will inspect diagnostics as soon as you’ve back and have had a chance to test the system again.

Thank you!