Intermittent Track Skipping and Timeline Sync Issue on Mac Mini with RoonServer (ref#OFX4M8)

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Describe the issue

Roon keeps leaving something out
When a track comes to an end, it always happens that a part of the next track (sometimes one, sometimes two minutes, sometimes considerably more) is skipped. This is independent of the file format, the playback zone and all other factors that I can recognize. Until recently, the music files were on a Linux server and I assumed it was because of it. Now they are on a Mac Mini, on which the server is also installed. But nothing has changed.
The error is not reproducible. It sometimes occurs with the same file in the same place and in the same configuration, then never again or only after a very long time.
Is there anything that can be done?
Roon keeps leaving something out
When a track comes to an end, it always happens that a part of the next track (sometimes one, sometimes two minutes, sometimes considerably more) is skipped. This is independent of the file format, the playback zone and all other factors that I can recognize. Until recently, the music files were on a Linux server and I assumed it was because of it. Now they are on a Mac Mini, on which the server is also installed. But nothing has changed.
The error is not reproducible. It sometimes occurs with the same file in the same place and in the same configuration, then never again or only after a very long time.
Is there anything that can be done?
(Perhaps this also has to do with another strange phenomenon, namely that the timeline in Roon is sometimes not synchronized with the music: According to this display, the next track is already playing while the previous one is still playing. Or vice versa).

Describe your network setup

Der Router ist eine FRITZ!Box 7490. Der Server und die meisten anderen Geräte im Netzwerk sind via Ethernet angeschlossen, bis auf die Lautsprecher und Mobilgeräte selbstverständlich.

To add that too: It happens again and again that Roon plays one piece but displays another. Example: I’m listening to a trio sonata by Händel, my speakers are clearly playing a slow movement, but the Roon window shows that another movement of this sonata is being played, namely an Allegro etc. I suspect that the two problems are related. I suspect that the two problems are related. I would also like to add that the computer is brand new and has been set up from scratch. Roon was also set up from scratch, no settings etc. were imported from other installations.

Hello @Werner_Hintze ,

What zone(s) are you noticing this issue occur on? Can you let us know the exact local time + date + track when you notice the desynchronization occur again? We’ll enable diagnostics afterward to see if there are any clues in logging, thanks!