Internet radio dropping out

I too am having the same problem.

Hello @Vallons, is the problem for a particular station, or all of them? How long does a station typically play before dropping out?
Has the problem just started? Can you try a different endpoint?
Is Tidal or Qobuz OK?

Can you give us some information about your setup please?

(In general, streaming a radio station is more problematic for Roon as it cannot buffer ahead, thus drop-outs from network instability are harder to recover from. )

Thanks for your reply Brian

Is the problem for a particular station, or all of them? How long does a station typically play before dropping out?

All of them > I would say between 2 -10 minutes

Has the problem just started?

Within the last few weeks

Can you try a different endpoint?


Is Tidal or Qobuz OK?
Tidal is totally fine

Can you give us some information about your setup please?
Not quite sure what you need…core is on Innuos zen mini 3 > Marantz amp > iPad as controller.

Generally very stable internet - fixed wireless 30/30 , ping is 23 ms.

Worth noting that the radio worked great until a few weeks ago.

Ok, I think this will be better in the general Support category where the @support professionals can help and check your logs.

Did anything change then can you remember?

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Hey @Vallons,

Welcome to the Roon community :wave:

I’m very sorry to hear about the trouble. We’d love to help.

While we appreciate all the information you’ve shared so far, a little more on your networking details: especially what hardware you’re using, how everything is connected, and anything notable about how it’s all configured.

Also, since this has started, have you:

  1. Rebooted your Core (power off, unplug, turn back on)
  2. Restarted your router/modem

Thanks in advance :pray:

Hi Rebeka - thanks for your help

First thing I would say is that nothing has changed in the hardware setup - and all was fine until recently

router is TPLink AX3000

TPLink range extender
ethernet cable to Innuos zen mini 3

  1. The Roon Core lives on the Innuos - which was turned off, and re-started within the last few weeks
  2. Modem re-boot - no

Innuos - OS 1.4.7 [not sure when that upgrade occurred…maybe recently???] > just noticed there is an upgrade to 1.4.8, which I will install - let’s see if that makes a difference