Internet Radio - Playback issue

Hi Everyone…

I have quite a few local radio stations added to my Internet Radio. All have been working quite well, but this week some stations started having issues. This week some of the “stereo” streams have only been playing out of the left speaker. They’ve played in stereo for months, but this week 3 of them only play out of one speaker. I’ve tested the URL and it is stereo.

Any thoughts what settings I need to investigate. I have 12 “stereo” station and this only effects 3.

Thanks for your help

Thanks for reaching out to use, @Edward_LeBlanc!

Does this behavior happen for all audio zones, or just specific zones?

Can you share the URLs of the 3 stations that you’ve noticed this is happening for?


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Hi Dylan…

I have two zones. MY main computer and the first floor of my house. It happens in both zones. It was playing out of both speakers prior to the most recent update. When I open the following URL in a browser it plays in stereo:

Thanks for the info, @Edward_LeBlanc!

I think the next step here is to enable some diagnostics on your account so our technical staff can get some more insight into what’s going on here.

However, before I enable this feature, I’d like to ask for your help ensuring we gather the right information.

First, can you please reproduce the issue once more and note the time at which the error occurs. Then respond here with that time, and I’ll make sure we review the diagnostics related to that timestamp.

May I also ask that you please share a screenshot of the signal path when this is happening?


Thanks Dylan…

Started the radio station at 1044 a.m. Attached a screen shot too

Hey @Edward_LeBlanc,

Thanks for the info above! I just wanted to let you know the diagnostics report was successfully uploaded and I’ve passed it along to the tech team. I’ll be sure to update you once they’ve completed their analysis.


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Hey @Edward_LeBlanc,

I wanted to touch base with some good news, we were able to reproduce this behavior and we’ve opened up a bug report with our developers.

While I can’t say for certain when this bug will be fixed, getting things reproduced in-house is a critical first step, and we will keep this thread up to date as the team passes along feedback and work begins to get this resolved. Thanks again for the report!

Thanks for the update. Very appreciated


I have the same issue (left channel only) when playing a local station through my PS Audio DirectStream DAC with Bridge II installed. I added the station using a TuneIn URL:

I have the same issue when playing back to my “Desktop Headphones” Zone which is a Mytek Liberty DAC directly connected to my Apple iMac via USB in my office.

All my other Zones are Sonos Play units (1, 3 & 5) which are single speaker units so the lack of stereo in not apparent.

When I listen to BBC Radio 2 (national broadcaster), also added via TuneIn URL, I get full stereo on both the DirectStream and Liberty DACs.

Thanks for your report, @Ian_Oliver!

I’ve checked our internal tracker and confirmed that the ticket is still active with our development team. I’ll be sure to keep this thread updated as new information becomes available.

Kind regards,

Seems to be fixed. The stations that use to play from one speaker only have started playing from both speakers. I’ll test the other stations that I removed because of the playback issues

That was short lived back to playback from only one speaker

Hi everyone,

We’ve just released Roon 1.7 (Build 500) which includes changes that should improve this behavior. Please give it this a try and let us know how it goes!

You can read the full release notes here:

The Team at Roon Labs

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.