Internet Radio URL Swap Meet

I just loaded the url and website for Scala Radio and noticed Roon displays Now Playing information.

Is this new? It doesn’t happen for my other stations.

URL here

It has aways depended on the specific station, but, it has done so for years.

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A favorite Alt- eclectic station out of Colorado with limited commercials. KFMU.
If you find a higher bit rate URL, please share!

Looking for active streaming addresses for CBC Music, formally CBC Radio Two.
Specifically looking for the Winnipeg station. I can’t find the URL that I can cut and paste it into Roon

If anyone can help I’d be grateful. Thanks.

Not sure what this will mean for BBC listening

Try this:

The main CBC Toronto feed is broken at the moment

Thanks very much @Stampie. This also works - Odd that the CBC’s main streaming feed would be down.

If you look at the CBC site, they have a new “listen” page and inspecting the embedded player I see a different akamai address there, but for the life of me I cannot get the new one to work in Roon. Israel, do you have a pls for R1 Toronto? Cheers!

Hi Don,

Near the top of this thread there is a whole list of BBC Radio links, if that’s any good…

CBC just got back to me. Here’s what they said:

CBC is no longer offering direct URLs for streaming as of late. Sorry to disappoint.
Moving forward CBC Streaming URLS will only be provided by a third party like Google Home, Grace, Sirius or TuneIn. If you are using these third party devices, know that we have had issues with the stream over the last week and are currently working on repairing them with the aforementioned providers.

I haven’t been able to get the TTune-in address working with Roon yet, but maybe I have the wrong Url? Is there a specific format from them that works best with Roon? Cheers!

Anybody have a url for Montana Radio Cafe? Thanks.

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Thanks Wim!

Some news on BBC Radio distribution via TuneIn - it sure what the effect will be

Ugh - by that reasoning, they should shut down all the transmitters - those users wont be signing in either.

Perhaps a crate of whiskey changed hands somewhere, or failed to :wink:

It’s not technologically possible for listeners to sign in to broadcasts from transmitters - sounds like TuneIn wanted the BBC cake and to eat it too

This just announced - though I think ‘Beeb’ as a wake-work will cause problems

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Roon says it will play tunein links. Can someone tell me where/how to extract those links from the tunein site. Specifically, I’m looking for the tunein link for Roon from this page:


This works for me. Click add in station and pasted in the below. Listening to it now.

Thanks Daniel - will try that tonight.

I have the same issue. I can access the WNCW Tunein link, copy and paste into Roon with no problem. It shows as a station in the Roon interface but it simply will not play. I have no problem playing it via the link in my browser.