Interpolation of track titles within albums in Roon (ref#F2KNSJ)

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My issue with Roon is interpolation of nearly identically-worded track titles between movements within the same album, e.g., "Piano Concerto No. 1" is listed AFTER "Piano Concerto No. 1 - 1st movement" and BEFORE "2nd movement". I have identified at least 6 albums where I cannot edit / delete this insertion. None of the corresponding track titles in Innuos Sense shows such duplication / variation.

Describe your network setup

1 MB Comcast router, TP Link range extender, latest versions of Roon and Sense, Zenith streamer

It looks like you’ve encountered some bad metadata from the online metadata providers that Roon partners with.

For albums, like this, your best bet is to set these albums to prefer your local metadata, and use the work and part tags as outlined on this page:

I neglected to mention an important point: my entire music collection is derived from reel-to-reel transfers to Maxell CD. Each query in the Roon database was manually entered under “Prefer File”.

Any idea the problem is found in only a handful of the 500+ albums in my collection?

Hi @Laurence_Landow,

Can you please list those albums here, so the team can investigate logging accordingly?

Please share a screenshot of the Album Editor dialog window for an affected album, like the example in your screenshot.

Have you toggled “Prefer File” in the Metadata Preferences for Multi-Part Composition Grouping? All the way at the bottom under “Edit Album.” What about Track Grouping - does changing that have any effect?

I found two additional cases in a few minutes that are problematic. Since my collection is 500+ albums, I’ll need to continue searching.

In the Brahms case, there’s an additional (or lack of a) space in the track title which is causing this.

I’m not sure exactly what is going on with the 2nd Movement, but the 3rd and 4th have a different composition “stem” which is making a difference.

Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2 - 1st movement
2nd Movement
Brahms Piano Concerto No.2 - 3rd movement
Brahms Piano Concerto No.2 - 4th movement

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