My issue with Roon is interpolation of nearly identically-worded track titles between movements within the same album, e.g., "Piano Concerto No. 1" is listed AFTER "Piano Concerto No. 1 - 1st movement" and BEFORE "2nd movement". I have identified at least 6 albums where I cannot edit / delete this insertion. None of the corresponding track titles in Innuos Sense shows such duplication / variation.
Describe your network setup
1 MB Comcast router, TP Link range extender, latest versions of Roon and Sense, Zenith streamer
I neglected to mention an important point: my entire music collection is derived from reel-to-reel transfers to Maxell CD. Each query in the Roon database was manually entered under “Prefer File”.
Any idea the problem is found in only a handful of the 500+ albums in my collection?
Can you please list those albums here, so the team can investigate logging accordingly?
Please share a screenshot of the Album Editor dialog window for an affected album, like the example in your screenshot.
Have you toggled “Prefer File” in the Metadata Preferences for Multi-Part Composition Grouping? All the way at the bottom under “Edit Album.” What about Track Grouping - does changing that have any effect?