Introducing OPRA, a powerful new headphone toolkit for Roon and ARC 🎧

Sure, this can be done for all used DSPs and so it’s nothing what’s new and a must, if you’ve multiple settings and using as a remote a mobile, what I’ve written in my last posting.

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Thank you for that, This is a great feature and effort.


As some others have noted, the OPRA presets appear to have a headroom adjustment built in, resulting in reduced volume when compared to MUSE disabled, although it’s not shown as “headroom management”.

That seems to reflect the overall gain_db value in the OPRA data (not the per-frequency band value), e.g -6.3dB in this example:

{“type”:“eq”,“id”:“sennheiser:hd_660_s::autoeq_oratory1990”,“data”:{“author”:“AutoEQ”,“details”:“Measured by oratory1990”,“type”:“parametric_eq”,“parameters”:{“gain_db”:-6.3,“bands”:[{…

That seems right: if I add a preset with just -6.3dB headroom (and no other changes), and compare that to the OPRA preset above (which has no explicit headroom set), they sound about the same volume.

It would be nice if there was a way to do this, within the MUSE headphone EQ settings, to make it easy to compare the OPRA presets with no MUSE. You can’t just disable headphone EQ, since that will result in no headroom and a much louder sound.

But since each preset, per headphone, has a different overall headroom adjustment, that’s hard to do.


Or to put it more simply…

It’s easy to compare the different presets per-headphone, since selecting each one in turn doesn’t change the headroom (by very much).

But it’s hard to compare a per-headphone preset, with the default no-MUSE effect. It would be nice to be able to do that, easily.


I use air pods a lot. Especially when commuting. Does OPRA work with air pods? I don’t seem to have an option for this - is it because air pods are not a zone? It’s really playing on my phone using AirPlay to my air pods? I don’t know a lot about anything :frowning:

Hello @mike

I have updated the software to 1480. I only see OPRA (Please Change the name. ;-)) in ARC under headphone filter tab. I cannot access it in my Roon Remote on Android. What am I missing? Thanks.

How can I use this with the Android app? There I see the Headphone EQ, but that’s all. I can’t make any setting. (This is true for the EQ in general: I can select a preset, but no other option. And in this special case I can’t do anything.


You’ve to use an android tablet or a PC for getting the whole settings.

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I used my iPad to set this and can’t select the saved setting. There is simply nothing I can do. Nice feature. (I read somewhere here thatI can set this via ARC. But what, if ARC doesn’t work? I see: That’s no problem, it simply doesn’t work…)

I list of favourites may help , or am I missing it , I only have 3 pairs but I do swap around

Settings from AutoEQ give a preamp setting to reduce the headroom to stop clipping. I assume Roon is automatically applying this in its presets.

What you want is easy done. You can create a MUSE preset with just headroom on to same level and one with headphones eq on. Then switch between them. You need to do this via tablet or pc but will be picked up on mobile if need to use it. Via the presets.

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(Edit: the correct pods)

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If you search for ‘Apple’ in manufacturers, you should see the entire range of Apple devices.

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That’s not AirPods.

But AutoEq has presets so should be in OPRA to as it uses this as it’s main source.

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Typed the wrong thing, corrected above


Ok. Thanks!! Re: Air pods. But I have to set that from a tablet or computer? Not from a phone?

I was thinking about the option to select multiple frequency curves for the same headphones. For example there was 4 different curves available for My Dan Carlin Aeon 2 Closed (plus another if you are using the included pads).

Testing between these was quite sweet using the latest update. I feel this is the best thought through Roon update in a while.

Like many here I have two ears, yet multiple sets of headphones in different rooms of the house. The timing of this release was great for me as I had just put a Pi running Ropieee and a mini headphone DAC amp in the living room with the Aeon 2 Closed so I could listen to some heavier music without annoying the wife while she crochets.


Had to do some work outside today and deceide to take one of my wired headphones with me. Usually I take a Bluetooth b&o.

Selected 1 of 3 available presets (the other 2 I didn’t like) and enjoyed the music. I was quite surprised. Sounded a lot better than the profile I’ve created myself a while ago.


@mike @brian can we please get ability for separate Left and Right channel EQ?

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As far as I can see it’s possible on ARC but not on the iOS version of Roon Remote. It can be switched on and off from Roon Remote but the choice of which one to go for has to be done in the tablet or pc versions.
This is ARC:-

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