iPad constantly loosing connection with Core

I started using Roon a few weeks ago and it worked great at the start. Roon core is running on a Mac Mini dedicated to music only. Using an Apple Airport Extreme wireless router (Mac Mini hardwired to router) and two latest model Apple Airport Expresses to extend the network. This all worked fine during the 14 day free trial. In the last week or so the iPad constantly loses connection with the Core to the extent it has become unusable. It seems this may have started with the Core and Remotes upgraded themselves to version 1.6, but can’t say for sure.

I have a Google Mesh WiFi on order to replace the aging Apple router. Am hopeful that will solve the problem.

@support -

I am encountering the same problems after V1.6. Also, iOS app will lockup and needs to be restarted.

I had a Linksys AC2600 4 x 4 MU-MIMO Dual-Band Gigabit Router in the closet. Drug it out and replaced the Apple router with it. Had stopped using this router a long time ago due to network drop outs, which I now think were internet service provider problems most likely. Problem solved it appears!!!

Am still going to install the Google Mesh WiFi system when it comes to get better whole house coverage.

Apple airports have problems with their routing algorithms that cause problems with roon and Sonos.

We have several Apple Airport Extreme and we don’t have a wifi trouble or drops. Roon works perfectly on 3 house floors.

Should have said “can cause problems” your right. A much more knowledgeable post than mine.

Same here. iPad mini losing Core connection every 30 seconds or so. Then reconnects. Annoying. Any luck on your end?

Same here with my Android tablet. Worked fine with 1.5, but after 1.6 loses connection every 30-40 minutes, and takes 30-60 seconds to re-acquire the core.

I ultimately replaced my old Apple router with a Google Mesh WiFi system. Drop outs are no longer a problem. Note: the Linksys router I used temporarily aslo fixed the drop out problem but didn’t give strong wifi whole house coverage.

I dumped all my apple airport devices for a decent UniFi setup and never looked back a few years bac…same at a clients…WiFi issues have never come up since at the clients either.

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Having a similar problem. Also running Mac mini as core with iPad remote. The iPad is constantly losing connection, while the iPhone as remote does not. Would prefer not to rely on iPhone as remote. The difference is I have a fairly new linksys whole house mesh WiFi router which is working fine. So not sure I need to upgrade the WiFi router.

Just a stab in the dark, but have you checked to make sure you new Linksys mesh router is running the lastest firmware version?

Also, is your iPad running the newest version of Roon, 1.6X?

Yes, just checked both roon version and lynksys is all current and up to date.

I only have one more idea. Turn you Roon core/server off and restart it. Do the same with your iPad. If that doesn’t fix it…I’m out. :slight_smile:

thanks, already tried that

I’ve had zero issues since purchasing and installing a Google WiFi mesh router system a couple of weeks ago. Has a lot better whole house WiFi coverage than the Linksys AC2500 (EA8500) router that was used for a short while after I gave up on my old Apple Airport Extreme router and AE Express extenders. Hope you find your problem. I know how aggravating it is.

Figured out it was my old Mac mini which I was using as a core. Moved my core to a newer mbp and now have no problems. So, looks like it is time to retire the Mac mini. But cannot keep the mbp as my roon core because I need it for work. So, now I get find a new piece of gear for my set up.