iPad M4 won't play Roon Bitperfect through an external DAC

I recently purchased an iPad M4 and have set it up to replace a 2024 iPad 10.9 that was being used as a Roon endpoint. For whatever reason, I cannot get the new one to output bitperfect to an external DAC, regardless of the DAC I try. So far I’ve tried a Fiio KA17, a Topping E30II Lite and a Topping E50. They all default to 44.1. I have Roon running on a MacBook Pro and I’ve tried ARC and Roon. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong but I’m not sure what it is…I don’t recall having this problem with the old one. Any ideas? It is set up as a Zone (although I did recenly have a problem with Zones disappearing) and the iPad will output bitperfect from Tidal and VLC media player but not Roon.

Did you update to iPadOS 18?

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Hi @sean.belliveau ,

According to the devices registered to your Roon account, it does look like your devices are running iOS18. I would keep a close eye on that thread for updates, but we are aware of and actively working on this issue, it’s already in Early Access testing and scheduled to be deployed in the near future.

Hi Noris. Glad it wasn’t me doing something wrong. Forgive the question, but does Roon not do testing with Apple public betas? It would seem to me that a large number of people use iOS/iPad OS devices as endpoints.

I can’t speak for Roon but we develop Mac software at work and we are reluctant to spend too much time on Mac betas before the release candidate, apart from making sure it basically works, because they have lots of bugs.

Many of those then get fixed quickly towards release, and others aren’t, and so you never know how much time you are going to waste on beta-specific issues.

As for this iOS issue, the fix in Roon was released just now, 4 days after iOS 18. Doesn’t seem bad. As was mentioned, Roon already had the fix in EA testing for a bit, so clearly they do some beta work. New software is always going to have bugs, and people have the option to not update to a new OS on day 1 if it’s so critical to them.

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Fair enough. Although it doesn’t seem that the fix has filtered down yet.

It was released three hours ago:

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Huh. Tried updating and it doesn’t do anything different. I’ll try it again later today.

The mobile app updates may take longer to come through the App Store

That’s what I figured.

On iOS specifically, in my experience the regular auto updates can have quite some delay. Maybe trigger a manual update in the App Store

As of now, still not functioning correctly on my iPhone or iPad. No update. I’ve tried force updating from the store. As I’m paying for Roon monthly and my iPad is my primary listening device and my account renews tomorrow, I’d like an ETA. I’ve cancelled my renewal for now until I know it’s going to work, there’s no point in paying for it if I have to use VLC and Tidal to listen on an external DAC at high res.

It’s there in my App Store:

That’s the version I am on. No change. Problem remains. It appears to not have been fixed. All the settings are the same as they were before. Roon does not see an external DAC and treats the phone/iPad as the endpoint. If this is the way it’s going to work now, that’s fine, but I’m not paying for it if I have to use another service to get the lossless audio working. If there’s something I’m missing, let me know.

Strange. It works for me just fine with hi-res on a 2022 iPad Pro M2 12.9 with updated iPadOS 18 and a FiiO KA5 DAC. (However, I am using the Early Access version of Roon, not the regular one from the App Store. The latest production update from the App Store should have the same fix for iOS 18 according to the release notes, but who knows).

@noris Are you aware if there are still unfixed configurations of this?

iPad Pro M4 11" and iPhone 13 Pro Max here, and I’ve tried it multiple times on a Fiio KA17, Topping E30II and Topping E50. No dice. I’m using the latest app update and apparently have had it since last night. Roon version is updated, all are using iOS/iPad OS 18. My Mac works fine on the latest release of Sequoia with all of the DACs in question, but it’s not my primary listening device, it is the Roon hub however. Seems like some boxes weren’t checked in the update to me but I’m a web dev, not a software engineer.

The issue got worse. It stopped seeing my iPad or iPhone at all. Everything is updated, they’re all on the same network, all firewalls are off, yesterday I could see them and play to them just not at full resolution, today I can’t see them at all after the update. Router rebooted, nada. Kill Roon and Roonserver network permissions, turn them back on, reboot Roonserver Macbook, engage in dark magic, now it works again (sort of, now I can’t access MUSE settings on the phone).

Is it just me or is it somewhat of a pain in the rear to have to practically understand physics to be able to get this stuff to work after a software update? Thankfully I have enough of a background in IT to be able to figure this stuff out but man I bet some people who just expect things to, you know, run correctly when they pay for them, are really annoyed. I restarted my subscription because it works again but still, this is dumb.

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