iPad remote comes up blank after reconnect

After I simplified my network so the remote reconnect works, I see a new problem.
After the iPad app has been asleep, on reconnect the current play area is correct and functional, I can go there, the main display is blank and there is no back button. The app forgot where it was.
The hamburger menu is there and I can go to Albums.

This happens consistently.

Haven’t yet tested a Windows remote.

No replicate.

Did it a couple of days, but problem went away.

I’ll keep you posted.

I have the same Problem.
roon installed 5 days ago, Win10, Ipad Air2, lastest iOs

Does anybody know a solution?

I haven’t seen this in quire a while.

I would try deleting the App, and then re-installing it.

It seems to have worked for me, but I could have been lucky…

See 1.2 Blank Screen On iPad [solved] - #14 by hifi_swlon

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.