iPhone 15 camera freezes when switching from roon arc playback to taking video [Investigating]

Roon Core Machine

Intel NUC

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

Every time I listen to music via Roon ARC app and switch to my iPhone camera app to start a video recording the camera freezes. I need to press the record button 2-3 times before it unfreezes.

If I quit the music app before opening the camera it works but of course it’s not ideal.

Is there any fix?

Hi @Frank_Bachman,

Thank you for the report. We apologize for the delay in notifying you, but in the interim, we’ve ticketed this item with our QA team and are working on further testing for a fix.

We appreciate you flagging this issue. This thread will remain open while we investigate.

Hi everyone,

Are you still encountering any bad behavior with the iOS camera when switching from ARC? The team wants to check if anyone is still experiencing this bug. Thank you!

I doesn’t actually freeze for me with 15 Pro Max, but if ARC is playing it does show a blurry screen for about 5 seconds after switching to Camera > Video. It recovers on its own, but it’s not ideal.

Hi @Suedkiez,

Thank you for the update. At your convenience, what happens if you try to limit the Pro Max frame rit in Settings → Accessibility → Motion, then launch ARC and switch to Camera → Video?

We’ve ticketed behavior around the ProMotion frame rate switching and iOS camera system audio handoff.

Makes no difference for me.


  • This is with ARC, I can’t repro the issue with the Roon remote.
  • More precisely, the issue occurs if
    1. ARC is playing
    2. Switch to camera, and the camera is in Photo mode
    3. Switch to Video mode
    4. ARC stops playing (which is sensible). At first, there is just a short <1 sec blurry camera image and it seems to recover. But 2-or-so seconds later it turns blurry again and then stays like this for 5 seconds until it recovers again.

Side note: With frame rate limited, the choppy scrolling isn’t better in the remote, to the contrary it is worse.

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Hi @Suedkiez,

Long day, I meant ARC, not Roon. :upside_down_face:

We can reproduce the issue intermittently, but on the most recent build, there’s not a logged failure with the system audio handoff. We’re not going to ticket this for now since we can’t reproduce the failure, but we suspect it’s a consequence of iOS reclaiming/preparing the system audio when ARC has been playing back with High-Quality format in Signal Path.

Thank you again for your help.

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