iPhone Roon app unable to find Roon server on Nova Mesh3 wifi system (ref#LW9H7C)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble connecting to Roon

What type of connection issue?

· Something else

Describe the issue

I am using a Nova Mesh3 wifi system, macbook is connecting to Roon just fine I am using this with an Eversolo DMPA6 streamer, but my iphone Roon app can't find the Roon server today just gets stuck searching. It has worked fine before now, I haven't changed anything here. Any help would be fabulous!

Describe your network setup

Tenda Nova Mesh3 wifi system

What are the ip addresses of:

  • Your Roon Server?
  • Your Macbook?
  • Your iphone?

Do they all have the same first three numbers (are they in the same subnet)?

On your primary router, can you obtain a list of connected devices (and their Ip addresses)? If so, can you see all three devices?

How many nodes do you have in your Nova Mesh wifi system? Is it possible that more than one of the devices is providing Router functionality such that you have multiple subnets in your local network?

Do you have a router other than the Tenda Nova mesh system? If you do, are all of the Tenda Nova nodes set to Access point mode?

Otherwise, if you don’t have a separate router, one of the Tenda Nova nodes should be configured as a router (and connected to your internet connection). The others should be configured as Mesh nodes in access point mode.

If you don’t have this configured correctly, one symtom would be that your iphone (and any other mobile device connnected by WiFi) would work sometimes (when associating with the Nova node to which the Roon Server is connected - or to another correclly configured node) but not other times (when it associates with the incorrectly configured node). Which node it associates to will be determined by signal strength and so even when left in the same positions, sometimes it may connect to one node and work and other times it may connect to another node and not work.

Thanks so much for your detailed and thorough reply, really appreciate that! I’m looking into the ip address situation today. I inherited this Nova system which is pretty old I think and maybe not be working correctly…anyhow I’ll let you know how I get on. Thanks again…

Hi @dannykitfisher,

I wanted to check in on your thread and see if you were able to get things sorted with your local network?

Let us know your status, thank you! :+1:


Thanks for this… in the end I gave up with the old mesh system, it seemed to be causing all sorts of problems. Got a new TP-Link one, which is working perfectly. All sorted…many thanks!


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