iPhone/Siri voice to text stopping playback on Roon ARC

When I play music in my car through Roon ARC on CarPlay, if I dictate a text message using iPhone voice to text, it pauses playback on Roon ARC. When I stop dictating and send the message, playback does not resume. This can be annoying if I am simultaneously using Waze or another app through CarPlay, because I then have to press through several buttons on my car screen to get to arc and press play again each time I send a message.

Using Apple Music, the same is not true – – playback resumes automatically after I finish the text.

Is there a way to change this? If not, I would add it as a feature request. Thank you.

Welcome @Marc_Axelbaum!

Please vote for this feature.

Hi @Marc_Axelbaum,
Thanks for writing in to let us know about this issue. As @DDPS said this currently is not a supported feature. You can vote for the feature suggestion that they linked. As feature suggestions get more upvoted the product team will take a look to decide whether or not to take up the suggestion.

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