Is it possible to get ROON to play on OS X without dropping my Audio MIDI Source format to 44100?

Is it possible to get ROON to play on OS X without dropping my Audio MIDI Source format to 44100?

If I set my Audi MIDI Settings manually to a much higher level most programs, even iTunes will play all my files without lowering the Audio MIDI Settings, but ROON always lowers it to 441000, the problem is my PS Audio Lan Rover USB transport device causes my DAC to stop working when the MIDI goes down to 44100. Is there any way to prevent ROON from doing this?


Seth, I just posted this on the PSA forum.

In my system, MacMini#1 > Roonserver > ethernet > Mac Mini#2 > HQPlayer > Dirac > RoonBridge > USB > LandRover TX > LandRover RX > USB > PSA DSjr. If I set HQP to none in first two boxes, so it’s in pass thru mode, the LandRover passes 44.1 khz just fine. This may mean that RoonBridge handles something different than the straight output from the Roonserver or it’s just better isolated from the RoonBridge.

To me this shows that the LanRover can pass 44.1khz just fine, and that the problem is somewhere else in the chain. I have not tried going from MacMini#1 directly to the DAC via the Lanrover. Food for thought.

I have tried setting both to none but it doesn’t work at 44100 via USB with the Lan Rove. PS Audio says they have seen this problem on post 2015 Macs and its a known issue. I prefer USB sound to the bridge because I have a fantastic cable and with the Lan Rover the music has more punch, range and is meatier than over the bridge. My Lan Rover stops all audio output even system audio when Audio MIDI hits 441000, can’t even configure speakers and play test sounds, need to reboot and raise them to anything above 44100. I sincerely appreciate the input though it’s greatly appreciated.

That brings me back to my original question is there anyway to get ROON to not drop Audio MIDI to 44100?