Is it possible to use Roon Radio with only my favorited tracks?

I really love Roon Radio and it’s great for discovering music in my library that I’ve never gotten around to listening to. However, sometimes I wish I could use it just to play similar tracks that I already have liked/favorited as opposed to my whole library.

Is there any way I could do this? Thanks!

Don’t know of a way to only play favorites with Roon Radio.

You might already be aware, you can select albums or tracks then the Focus heart button to only show albums or tracks that have been previously selected with the heart button. Pressing Play from there will only play those favorite albums or tracks.

Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I do love that feature as well!

I just have so many different genres and “moods” and sometimes it’d be great to let Roon Radio pick a whole bunch of my faves of a similar vibe for me without having to dig through tags or Focus.

Hi @Brad_Westlund,

Thanks for taking the time to write in! We don’t have this specific feature at the moment (although I do suggest creating a feature suggestion over in our Feature Suggestions category) but you could still create playlists relatively quickly that could simulate the same setup.

Head to tracks>pick your genre>click the heart/favorite>select all>add to playlist> +new playlist and finally shuffle the play style. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you @benjamin! That idea might work nicely in the meantime, I’ll definitely check that out.

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