Is Roon working on a 2.0 version?

I happen to notice Roon completely renovated their home page, and I am excited if there are some big things in the works :eyes:


:scream: :scream: :scream:

I think we’re all anticipating the next major rev coming soon. :+1: No doubt this will be a pretty significant release to say the least. I’m hoping / wishing the team all the best as a major release is a massive undertaking


Website looks good. It was due for an update.

I’d hazard a guess at a versions 1.8 and 1.9 before seeing release 2.0 judging by their release notes:

Wow. That does look good! I hope it draws many more Roonies into the fold.

We thought Apple would make an iPhone 9 but they decided to skip to 10, Room could skip from 1.7 to 2.0?

So what possible difference does it make if it is called 1.8 or 2.0 or 3.0?

I don’t believe an update is just around the corner just because Roon have revamped their website. It was well overdue and they knew this.


I also thought the shots on Roon‘s excellent looking new site are not familiar/reproducible, so they’re either completely misleading, or from some “yet to be released” product. V2.0? Who knows!

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2.0 as in a massive milestone for Roon, to rebrand their look a bit for the modern era to woo us over and potentially new customers even more.

Also, notice how the first version of Roon (1.0), was released about 5 years ago. Could be a huge anniversary development for 5 years of Roon.

Wait for a second! I think I have an idea as to what it could be, iOS 14 beta includes a massive new feature that already exists on Android devices called “widgets.” This could be a new widget feature for Roon remotes! Maybe?

I think I will bow out from this conversation. I am not a fan of that ■■ marketing, I mean, jumping the iPhone 9 didn’t make me buy an iPhone 10 and I’m a long time Apple nerd/fan. In fact I went from a 6S to a XS, I usually purchase my hardware when its a tock version.
I can’t see what possible effect it would have for Roon to jump from 1.7 to 2.0 when they update incrementally but who knows maybe they will surprise us? Whatever version comes next people will soon forget it and then want more.

Yeah, I’m not sure whether some of those shots are from much earlier versions of Roon or not. Obviously it doesn’t make sense to use outdated shots of old software on a new website. We’ll have to wait and see.

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Where was Windows 9 ???

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We know an update is taking place on the 21st as they have explained about roon ready changes. Add all the social media updates an website design and I can see how it looks like a significant release is coming and not just an update to roon ready on 21st.

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Would be nice if Roon would then also support current Windows Server 2019 OS!
Roon minimum Requirements

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I see on the new website a Devialet Phantom depicted. It can be used with Roon through AirPlay, but not RAAT. Keeping on false advertising?

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That one was skipped because of Windows 95 and Windows 98 …


Seven ate nine


Explains the indegestion


Something new coming if the new website is anything to go by - look at the screenshot of the Bob Marley page, where is says ‘discography’ under his picture. I don’t recall discography ever being used before in Roon.