Is the Roon App build 933 the latest version for iPad?

My core (with a SSD for music) is in the audio room and I use an iPad there as a remote control. Upstairs is my basic office PC what can also act as an remote for Roon.

When Roon offer the updates their sw and build version I get the message "Update all devices“ or similar.

When I confirm that from my PC upstairs, that PC and the core get the updates, no problem. When I confirm on my iPad, the core get the update, but not the iPad. It still show the build version 933. Is that the newest one for a iPad?

How can I find on your home pages which device have which build version?
Thanks Robert

Hi Robert, you need to update your Roon iPad App via the Apple App Store. Roon update their App and provide it via the App Store not directly, it is there ready to download & update.

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See the change log. Currently 952 is the latest. This was released yesterday, so may not be available on the App Store immediately.

Thanks for that fast and good info. I thought it was automatic like the other ones for the PC. THANKS

No problem.

Thanks Martin :grinning:

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It’s done, just updated the App. :+1: