Is there a way to configure what shows in the Remote Display ( NOT Roon Remote)

Recently added a Chromecast to a spare monitor I have - the idea was to make it a dedicated Roon remote display, so whatever is played, you easy see what it is… not an essential but nice to have… So did that and it works great…


I want to ask - is there a way to configure what is displayed on the remote display? Obviously I KNOW it can be done on the Roon Remote - not talking about that… talking about the Remote display… because, little by little I started kind of hating what saw… DEFINITELY do not want the artist photo there… why have it? makes no sense to me… specially because very often what is displayed is not congruent with what is being played… right now, I am playing Jethro Tull’s “A Passion Play” and what I see is the current, almost 50 years later current band… why? I would prefer no artist photo… just the album cover… in fact, I am delighted when Roon cannot find a photo for the artist and just displays a blurred version of the cover… MUCH BETTER!

Is there a way I can make that the default behaviour?



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It is possible to configure your own display_ui on a WinPC/ Roon Rock. Unfortunatley there is no „how to“ or workaround for a Nucleus to find and access its display_ui in order to modify it ….