(User selectable) Alternative Designs for Web-Display

The Option of using the Web-Display for displaying Cover-Art on a larger Screen is great! But the implemented design could by optimized/simplified IMHO … For this reason a few users already startetd to modify the display_ui.html file on their Roon systems (in the tinkering section: thread). Unfortunately this is limited to certain installations (e.g. not possible on Nucleus) and is beeing overwritten with every Roon update.

So here is my feature request:
I would like to have 3-5 differnt design-options for the Web-Display (=display_ui.html _1_to_x). Easily selectable either via dropdown-menue in the web-display settings or accessible via different web-display-links. This should be very easy to implement.

Input from Roon users wanted:
I am encouraging all Roon users to
a) post own design-proposals for the web-display in this thread and
b) to vote/like the best designs in order to get these realized!

Please finde below 2 first very reduced designs, that work quite well with all kinds of album art and with different screen sizes. My focus is mainly on album art, with very small artist/track info and time/progress bar showing.

*Last design taken from @Joe_Gratz from the above mentioned tinkering thread



The display looks AWFUL.

And is such a letdown the first time you use it. Especially now that the website looks like this

The guy responsible for that front page should be hired to redesign Roon’s now playing screen and external display


I think having multiple options would be great. Even if that means they are only custom options that the community needs to create. It’s easy enough to automate the replacement of the stock files when Roon updates as it is, but it would be nice to have a safe place to store custom displays as well.

I think there are some additional things that would be nice to have also, such as more information available to add to these displays for those who want it (file information, audio path information, track credits, playlist/queue progress/next up, tons of opportunity here). Some other ideas that could be nice, the ability to adjust various components of the web display from the UI such as text size, background dimming and blurring, album art size, etc.

Anyway here is mine from the other thread in Tinkering. New screenshots but ultimately the same. I haven’t changed anything since.

I can provide the code to anyone who wants it, just send me a PM. I have an issue where the waveform progress is just slightly behind that I need to fix on this but it’s hardly noticeable unless you’re focusing on it (I think it is a div or container not lined up perfectly but haven’t looked at it in a while). I’d like to add it to Github to make it easier to share and collaborate, but I would want to get approval from Roon to make sure that’s okay to do.

Thanks for the invite to this thread, @Kai296! Hopefully we can get some traction on this.


This is a great idea! Would love if roon offered some kind of customization or options to change the display layout by default. This would be an excellent workaround.

Nice and minimal. The artwork and info are too small for my taste (and eyes) but it looks really sleek and clean, great job!!

Only 2 votes? Wow, I figured this would have much more.

3 now, but this topic has not been posted to since the votes came into play. You have risen it back into view so hopefully more might vote

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4!! more comming :slightly_smiling_face:

This would be awesome. I tend not to use the Chromecast screen on my TV as I would prefer the main image to be the album cover rather than images of the band.

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I just moved one of my votes here… periodically i am re-assessing my votes!

display design must be changed! Joes design I like a lot. Big cover for tv screen that is how it should be. It was even better if you could choose between deferent displays.

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where do i find this display_ui.html? on a mac server as roon core??? thx

Editha: found it @ /Applications/Roon.app/Contents/Resources/webroot :slight_smile:

Can anyone discribe (in detail) how to get access to the folder of display_ui.html on Nucleus (Linux)? Any tools needed? Any hacks?
I managed to do the mondifications shown above on my Windows10 PC and on MacOS but have no idea how to do so on Nucleus. I know that the path is hidden on Nucleus and all changes will be reset/overwritten by updates. But still I would like to mod the display_ui on the Nucleus core - because that is what I am using as my default core/source - and I still don´t like roons now playing screen.

You don’t. There isn’t any way to get to that file it is locked down. If you want to mess around with stuff, aka tinker, use Linux build and don’t use Rock or Nucleus.

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I would just like the text to be wayyy bigger.

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Thanks for your kind reply @Rugby.
There would be no need for messing around, if Roon would do something about the web-display (= external play screen). I am pretty disappointed that there is no development on it.
Have a look here and ff. or on top of this thread.
Everything described … but nothing happening … although so easy to implement …
Ask the guys designing the roon & nucleus page - they care about esthetics:

Thanks for your kind reply @Rugby.
There would be no need for messing around, if Roon would do something about the web-display (= external play screen). I am pretty disappointed that there is no development on it.
Have a look here and ff.

I just would like to use my iPad mini residing on my amplifier for showing the most important information, which everybody can see from afar at a glance, to know what is playing right now.

Like NAD M33 does:


Sorry as I had not read all the posts. I just found an old iMac and using that as web display… I was expecting the one from the app, but there are only pictures and the title. I do want the txt: info about the track, artist or composer. I’ll try to install the Roon app maybe it works

I’ve wanted this:

With a overview when the text is longer…

It’s a fantastic idea, thanks, for the feature Suggestion. I’m actually looking to display the cover on a LCD borderless square display corresponding to the exact size of a vinyl record cover. :slight_smile:


I would love to see some customizability of the Display Screen. I’m using a NUC running ROCK. Roon development team, please make this happen!