Is there an official list of "things in the pipeline"? ...Frustrated

The idea of a “things in the pipeline” list or blueprint for development has been discussed at length elsewhere:

Personally I would vote for having a blueprint for planned changes and developments, though the general consensus amongst the user base seems to tip towards the idea that having such a published blueprint would be unhelpful - largely because of the inability of the developers to offer any guarantees for things in the blueprint until they have definitely been added. I don’t see this as a major problem but there you go!

I have also noticed less replies more recently from the Roon team in relation to feature request posts on these forums. Initially their involvement on the forums was very good. Perhaps they are still busy ironing out the various issues that have come along after releasing a new build.

As others have mentioned, the best thing would seem to be to contribute to the feature request forums - I’m sure the Roon team will review all the requests in good time.

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