Is there anyway to get Roon to choosing Qobuz before Tidal?

Is there anyway to get Roon to choosing Qobuz before Tidal?


When and where? In Roon Radio? In discography? In search? Or somewhere else? And of course why?

I would also like the ability to prioritize streaming services when selecting something for playback. One reason is because it can be confusing and something I need to be able to explain when a client/customer asks about it while auditioning. Another reason being that I would prefer that a true high-resolution source file be used over an MQA source file.

(Also based on my experience, I believe the default is to use a local file source over a streaming source all other things being equal.)


Don’t subscribe to Tidal would be an obvious answer or am I missing something here ?

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If a client customer wants MQA are you going to put him off or let her listen to what she wants?

I dont think its too much to ask for an end user to have Roon selecting the source of the music based on their preference. Its called customisation. In my system, I would prefer the following (even if supposedly a higher version is available through Tidal/Qobuz):-

  1. Local file
  2. Qobuz
  3. Tidal
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Being able to prioritize services would let me provide exactly what the listener wants. Right now I cannot do that without logging in and logging out to switch back and forth. Some people want to listen to Tidal; some people want to listen to Qobuz; some people want to compare; some music is only available on one service and not the other. Prioritizing or selecting the source at playback time is a legitimate request with valid use cases.


I’ve asked a similar question before and later found that it has already been posted as a feature request: Prefer Qobuz over Tidal (or vice-versa) as Preference

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It boils down to wanting MQA or lossless.
So the feature could be a choice of a lossless format or MQA.
This fixes the issue presumably.

Toggle: prefer MQA
If yes, MQA
If no, everything else but MQA

Best is to use Qobuz and abandon Tidal if MQA is the issue.

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