Is this the proper endpoint?

I found the same thing. I wanted to educate myself on the Raspberry Pi world which I have avoided before, ordered an Allo Usbridge Signature with the Shanti power supply, and it cost something like $500. Plus there are two more boxes.
It works perfectly well.
But afterwards I found out about the CXN v2, Cambridge had not been on my radar before, but that is a very compelling proposition. Anything to reduce the box count.

(I mostly use active speakers for the same reason, but I dragged an old passive speaker system into the bedroom. But man, the box proliferation! Speakers connected to a power amp, connected to a DAC which has a power brick, connected to a streamer which has a power brick, connected to an Eero WiFi node which has a power brick. 9 boxes, 9 cables. Jeez… Imagine when a relative comes and asks for advice on a music system and you trot out this mess.