"issue loading my Database"

I don’t have a Tidal account. Windows may have installed an “update” last night. I have an ASus motherboard, and am running windows 10

Hi @Robert_Imhoff,

Thank you for the feedback and sorry to hear about this problem.

Moving forward, I would like to get a set of your Roon logs, so our technical staff can get some more insight into what’s going on here. To start, can I ask you to use the instructions found here to send us a set of logs from the device currently hosting your core? If you do not have access to Dropbox or Google Drive just let me know and I can provide an alternate upload method.


Hi Noris, I found hundreds of Roon backups finally, on a remote drive dating back to October. This surprised me. I don’t have any of the mentioned file sharing programs. What is the direct way that you mentioned? I found the backups on a remote drive “H”. The log files that you need are on drive “C”? Thanks, Rob

Hello @Robert_Imhoff,

Yes the database is typically located the %localappdata% directory, you can open a windows explorer and paste `%localappdata% directly into the address field and it will redirect you to the programs listing, from there select the Roon\Logs folder and follow the instructions listed in the link I sent. I have just PM’d you the method to upload the files to us.


OK, Under AppData, Local, I have two folders: RAAT SERVER and Roon. How can I send them to You?

@Robert_Imhoff - You need to open the Roon folder and then the Logs folder sub-directory. There should be 21 log files there, Roon_log.txt and Roon_log.01 to Roon_log.20. Select all of them -> right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder. Then navigate to our uploader using the instructions I pm’d you and upload that zip file there and let me know the name of the .zip file.


Ok, Please refresh the upload link. I didn’t know my user name included an Underscore. If you want my e-mail address for my user name let me know. I’m clear on my password. Do I use Alpha Alpha for anything? Refresh upload link and I will send info requested. Thanks, Rob

@Robert_Imhoff - The user name and password are both lowercase alpha. You do not need to place your Roon email address there at all.

– Noris

https://dev.roonlabs.com is requesting your username and password.”

The site says: “Login with your Roon account.” I used alpha alpha, and Robert_Imhoff and my password, and they keep asking. Its not working.

@Robert_Imhoff - The user name is alpha and the password is alpha as well. No part of your account info should be placed there. If it’s still giving you errors please try another web browser.

– Noris

Hi Noris, Been trying to do this all day, please bear with me… I think that I have uploaded the Logs at least twice. It is not clear. There is not a notification that says “success!” Instead there remains the request to log in. Perhaps that log in request is for You, or another tech on your side. If so, please tell me that you have received the info you needed. If not, help me to upload again. I’m giving up for today. Thanks, Rob

Hello @Robert_Imhoff,

Thank you for submitting those logs, I was able to locate them and have asked the QA team to take a look, I will be sure to let you know once I hear back from QA regarding their diagnostics for this issue.

Until we hear back I have a few things I’d like to try here to get you back up and running but can you confirm if you have a backup of your Roon database? Regardless if you do have one or not, please proceed with the following steps:

  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location: https://kb.roonlabs.com/Database_Location
  • Find the folder that says “Roon”
  • Rename the “Roon” folder to “Roon_old”
  • Restart the Roon App to generate a new Database folder
  • (Optional) if you have a Database Backup, you can now restore the library
  • Do not delete or modify the “Roon_old” folder for any reason until we hear back from QA, this is the failsafe in case you don’t have a backup made

This step should look like this in Windows:



Thanks, Noris - I did not get this last message from you until late Sat morning for some reason. I reposted, thinking that you may have the weekend off. Anyway, Thank You! This last post has gotten me back - Everything is working, My desktop location, and my remote using the Squeezebox duet. Have a good weekend! Thanks, Rob

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