Issue playing DSF multichannel files on Roon endpoint running Windows 10 - "Failed to initialize the Audio device" error (ref#MRBOYA)

What best describes your playback issue?

· Music doesn't start when I press "Play"

Is there a specific error message you see? If so, please select from the following options:

· Other

Please try to reboot your Roon Server and check to see if this helps.

· Rebooting my Server had no effect, the issue remains

Are you having an issue with a single Zone or multiple Zones?

· I'm having playback problems with a single Zone. The rest are fine.

Does the issue happen with local library music, streaming service music, or both?

· Streaming service music plays fine. Local library tracks cause issues.

Where is your local content stored?

· Somewhere else on the local network (NAS)

If you move the content from your NAS to a local storage location, do you still experience issues with playback?

· The issue happens for both the NAS storage location and on the secondary storage location

Please try playing content of a lower sample rate (44.1kHz or 48kHz), does this work as expected?

· No, lower sample rates are still affected

What are the make and model of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?

· All described above.

Describe the issue

I am having difficulty playing DSF multichannel files on one of my Roon endpoints. To be clear, PCM multichannel files (24/96, for example) play fine. I get the error message "Failed to initialize the Audio device" when attempting to play a DSF multichannel file on the endpoint in question.

My setup:

Roon core is on a CAPS Twenty server (i9-10900K processor)

RoonBridge in question is running Windows 10 Home on an i3-2100 3.10GHz PC.

PC is HDMI-connected to a Denon AVR-X3800H receiver which is recognized as a WASAPI Intel Display Audio endpoint in Roon. The Denon has a hardwired ethernet connection to our home network.

Windows Sound Properties on the endpoint PC shows the typical 8-channel support up to 24/192. The default format on the Advanced tab is set at 24/192. Playback is configured for 5.1 with center, subwoofer and side pair and no full-range speakers. Changing to 7.1 does not help.

In Roon settings, I'm at 5.1 which works fine for PCM material, as noted. I've tried 5.1 and 7.1, with swapping and not swapping the rears. Roon is set in Exclusive Mode. I've tried the work around tab and that does not help.

Seems to me that something is not working properly within Roon to downconvert the DSF files to PCM (which is the selection I have in Roon).

One further complication today. When selecting Device Setup in Roon, the endpoint (i.e., the Intel Display Audio) disappears without allowing me to get into the Device Setup. The endpoint reappears after a few moments, but without opening Device Setup. Obviously, any further troubleshooting requires solving this side issue.

Any help appreciated. Thanks. JCR

Describe your network setup

Xfinity internet / Orbi router / hardwired ethernet running to endpoint in question via MoCA adapter.

Could this be the same issue?

Certainly looks like it. Was it ever resolved for either of the two of you? JCR

No, unfortenutaly not yet. Maybe the stuff will resolve the issue in the near future.

Hi @Jeffrey_Robbins and @Enno14,

Thank you for the report! I wanted to inform you that our team is aware of this issue and it has been added to their queue. While I can’t provide a specific timeline, please know that we are hopeful a fix will be implemented once the ticket reaches the top of our development queue.

Thanks for your continued patience in the meantime :pray:

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Thank you, @benjamin. I am sure the team knows that this functionality used to work fine. I look forward to a future fix! JCR

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