Issue with album not appearing in library when navigating from Now Playing screen (ref#9VWCS9)

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Describe the issue

Navigating from the Now Playing screen to the album shows the album as not in my library, although it is.

Sometimes, when I click on the album name in the Now Playing screen and it takes me to the album, the album still has the + icon to add the album to my library, although the album is already in my library. This happens even for Tidal albums with only one versions.

If I click on the artist from the album, click on Discography, and then select the same album, it shows as part of my library.

Describe your network setup

Roon Server running on a Debian 11 machine connected through a TP-Link switch to WiiM Pro via 1G ethernet connection.

Router is Firewalla Gold Plus.
Modem is Nighthawk CM2050V.

Here are some screenshots illustrating the issue.

Album from Now Playing screen:

Artist’s Discography. Album shows as in the library.

Navigating the album from the Discography also shows it as in the library.

To Roon, albums in your library are not the same as the (original) albums from streaming services. If the currently playing album is the one from the streaming service and not the one from the library, then that is the version you get to see if you follow the link from the “Now playing” screen. With Roon you have to pay attention to which version you add to the queue to play.

You might want to consider adding your vote to the following feature suggestion:

There is only one version of the album – the one from the streaming service.

Is this because when I added the track to my queue, the album was not in my library? I added the library after adding the track to my queue?

No because …

Please try to wrap your head around Roon’s way of doing things here for the time being. Feel free to add your vote to the feature suggestion I already linked to you if you want things to potentially change in the future.

Yes – but even after adding the album to your library, if you add a non-library album/track to your queue (note: the non library version is still available to you) you will be sent to the non-library album page.

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