Issue with Connecting Roon Remotes to Roon Core (ref#Q050DI)

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What’s happening?

I'm having trouble connecting to Roon

What type of connection issue?

*None* of my remotes can connect

I have been using roon for years, but not much roon remotes until now. I had to fix the firewall early today to let my remote connect to roon but after hours of playing through my roon remote, the 2 roon remote I have just dropped and I cannot connect anymore to roon core. I am stock with the "waiting for your roon server message". I have been rebooting my computer and android cellphones which are my remote, but I am stuck with this same message.

I uninstall and reinstall my roon remote on my cellphone, but it didn’t help.

I have an intel i5-8500 3.00 GHZ and I am operating windows 11 pro version 23H2.I run roon version 2.0 build 1388 64 bit

Thanks in advance for your help

This may help

Thanks Menzies for your reply, I just checked and I dont have no compatibility mode for windows 8 or older windows version enable so it is not the issue.

Still got the waiting for your roon server message on my roon remote.


Ok, worth a shot as I came across that last night but was tired.

Now I’m fully awake I have re-read your post. Try rebooting your router.

Does it work now?

No, read on

So Roon Server is (should be) running on Windows 11. Ok, worth checking it’s running. It’ll more than likely be hidden in the taskbar when running.

If the Roon logo isn’t showing find the Roon Server icon, normally on the desktop after installing Roon. There will be 2 Roon icons. Double click the Roon Server one.

Do your Roon Remotes detect Roon Server?

Yes, great

No, read on

Time to check firewall exceptions

If still no joy, may need to look at your network setup. Are you LAN and WLAN on the same subject?

Thanks a lot Menzies, I appreciated very much your help.

I did reboot the router and fix the firewall exception and now it works. Had to reboot the router again this morning because a few hour after rebooting it wasnt working anymore. If the issus continue eventualy I’ll change the router.


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