Issue with Hi-Def Streams for JB Radio2 (ref#N1C39W)

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Describe the issue

Please can you fix the hi-def (16 & 24 bit) streams for JB Radio2 from Ontario, Canada.

Describe your network setup

Archer VR900, Roon Nucleus Rev.2

Until Roon correctly deals with flac streams containing metadata it isn’t possible to use them (it will stop after every track).

JB Radio stopped using the non-metadata flac stream.

Please can you explain then, how I can stream 16bit JB Radio2 on my Naim Audio NSS333.?

Presumably because Naim deals correctly with the stream - Roon doesn’t (and are aware of the issue).

Thank you, Brian. How long does Roon usually take to address these issues?

Well, this particular issue has been known for almost 5 years…

Reading the above, does not sound very encouraging on Roon fixing this. I thought Naim was bad enough, with a week loss of service with Vtuner.:frowning:
This does not sound very encouraging for Roon support. This seems to be a long outstanding problem. It should have addressed before now. Hell, Naim sorted the problem with Vtuner in a year. They just got rid of them and deal with all collation of the streams themselves.
As this has been a known and long outstanding problem, Brian. I feel Roon should give a explanation of why this has not been addressed.

So let me get this right. Roon sells you a lifetime licence product, which relies on suppliers of music ie. record companies, music streaming services and radio station streams. All is working well at the time of the purchase, of the lifetime Roon licence. :+1:
Then one the suppliers of music, suddenly changes something. So Roon, say screw you, we have your money. Why should we give a chuff, we did not change anything.
Have I missed something? :thinking: