Issue with Qobuz Favorites Management in Roon (ref#ITCK8S)

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Subject: Issue with Qobuz Favorites Management on Roon and Feature Suggestions


I am using the Roon app to listen to my Qobuz playlists, but I’ve encountered an issue with the handling of my favorite tracks. When I select “liked” songs from my Qobuz account, Roon not only includes these specific tracks but also automatically adds the full albums associated with these liked tracks. This makes my playlists difficult to use, as I don’t necessarily want to see entire albums, only the individual songs I’ve chosen. On the Qobuz app, everything works correctly, but in Roon, it seems to blend songs and albums, creating confusion.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide in resolving this issue.

Additionally, I’d like to suggest a feature enhancement for the audio path visualization. Would it be possible to add a custom link in the audio path to represent specific elements of my stereo chain? For example, I would like to see my Plinius Hautonga analog amplifier in the chain, as well as have the option to select specific speaker profiles, such as my Focal Sopra 3 speakers, to optimize sound output based on speaker type.

Thank you for your assistance and for considering these suggestions.

Best regards,

Describe your network setup

intel I9 13900K ,gpu 4080 s, Matrix mini i 4, plinius hautonga, focal sopra 3,

Hi @Rioutton_Guillaume just another user here but Roon is an album based application when adding anything to Roon it will add 3 entries under artist, album and tracks. Tracks belong to a medium of album/ep/single all of which show up under albums discographies. Really Roons album section needs to be called releases not album. You can’t have one without the other in Roon. It does not operate like the Qobuz app. This is by design as it’s not like other apps in its approach. You may not like how it does this but it’s a fact and I doubt this will ever change as other aspects of its library system and organisation won’t work. When you add Qobuz favourites they are added to your Roon library where it’s advanced metadata comes into play you could not do this if it worked with the api like other applications.

As for the signal path there is no way for Roon to know what is after your streaming section or DAC there is no two way communication with such devices. Only Roon Ready integrated devices can support such things.

This is the expected behavior

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