Issue with Roon and Qobuz - Lack of Music Discovery and Song Saving (ref#4OWIUN)

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I use Roon primarily with Qobuz and it’s really obvious that the product is not build with streaming in mind. Music discovery is terrible. You have to add a full album to your library in order to like, tag or even save a song to your history.

Yesterday I had a long discovery session and I just realised that none of the individual songs I’ve played are saved anywhere 😭. They even don’t show up in the queue history. I think this is a big issue with your product. I really like Roon and would love to keep using it but this is a big issue for me and most likely to a lot of others who use it with Qobuz or tidal.

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Not relevant.

I just played a 3 Qobuz songs (manual selection - not Radio) , that are neither favorized in Qobuz, nor part of My Roon Library.
They show up nicely in the History menu:

Are you certain you are looking at the right place?


Thanks for pointing me to this section! You are right, they are showing up there. Thanks! :pray: I was afraid I lost all the great songs I listened to yesterday.

I looked at the “Recently played” section on the Home Screen plus I went to the queue history. Over there they are not showing up. Not sure this is intended behaviour but I find it confusing.

You can go to the history section, select the songs you listened to yesterday and save them as a playlist.

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