Issue with Roon app unable to connect to server (ref#96UYSQ)

Um - you need to connect the Nucleus using the HDMI connection to a monitor or a TV.

Connecting it to a computer’s HDMI connector won’t work - you are connecting two HDMI “outputs” together. You need to connect the Nucleus’s HDMI “output” to the HDMI “input” of a monitor or a TV.

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Hi Geoff
There are two HDMI (A & B) slots in the Nucleus. Which one is output?

You can use either of them, I believe…

OK, I will connect the Nucleus directly to the TV HDMI input without an ethernet connection. I will keep it posted… Thanks, Geoff

Sorry, but you need to have the Nucleus connected via ethernet to your network as well…

We are interested to see what messages (if any) are displayed on the TV when the Nucleus is active.


Hi Geoff,
I was able to connect the Nucleus directly to the TV via HDMI.
The only Roon logo appeared while waiting for half an hour.
I am afraid whether the hardware is malfunctioning or not.
Is there a moving fuse inside the unit?

What should I do next?

I’m afraid that screen is indicative of a failing SSD.

Two questions:

  • Is the unit still within the 2 year warranty period?
  • Did you buy it from a dealer or direct from Roon Labs?

Your answers will determine the next steps. Thanks.

Actually, I removed the SSD yesterday before the connection, but it still showed no further action.
I bought it in April 2021 from a US distributor, Woo Audio.

Hi @Sung_Min_Park,

I will follow up via private message with next steps, thank you @Geoff_Coupe for the help!

Hi Ben,
Thanks for the email.
I am located in Toronto, Canada.
I did switch to a new SSD card, but it didn’t still work.
Before heading to the local distributor, can I replace DIY with the SATA cable if the SSD seems to have failed as per your diagnostic?
If you recommend it, what SATA cable can be purchased from Amazon? Is there any specific SATA cable for Nucleus out there?
By the way, will the local distributor charge for the repair because the warranty ends?
Thanks, Ben.

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